Just wondering

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Aug 25, 2008
Just want to know, I hear everyone has had the regular testing like endoscope, colonoscopy, etc... Has anyone hear ever had a pill camera?
I had the pill camera. It is smaller than those horse pill type vitamins but a little bigger than an Ibuprofen. It has a special coating which makes it super easy to swallow. Tell him to wear a loose shirt (no v-necks or sleeveless) lest all the wires and leads will show. He will wear like a clear fanny pack attached to a suspender type harness. That pouch holds the receiver and the receiver has wires that are attached to leads placed on different spots of the torso.

The pack, leads, and harness are a lot bulkier than I had anticipated before I went in, as I was hoping to take a nap when I got home - that was much harder than I ever thought it could be. It is painless and super easy. You go in the morning, put on the leads and harness, pop the pill, and 8 hours later you give them the receiver and the like back for them to go through.

And no, you do not have to retrieve the camera it is disposable (flushable.)
Yes, my son had the pill cam twice. He was never diagnosed with Crohns thru the endoscope, barium tests, or colonoscopies. He now will have to swallow the pill every six months. I think that this test is really great!!
He will be having this test every six months for now, because it is the only way they can keep an eye on his ulcerations and to see if the meds are working. He has over 40 ulcerations, narrowing, and lot of inflammation in the juijium (sp) part of his intestines not including other parts, and because he really doesn't have any pain at all, they have to keep checking to make sure he doesn't burst like he did before.
I have had to have colonoscopys every 6 months and it is killing me. I do not mind the test so much since I am sedated it is the prep that I cannot take anymore. Is this pill cam thing as accurate as a colonoscopy? I am guessing the only thing they cannot do is take samples if needed. I am due for another round of tests soon...I think I may ask for the pill cam. How is the prep?
The pill camera is used to look at the small bowel, not the colon like the colonoscopy does. And the prep is just the same as a colonoscopy as well. The reason or invention of the pill camera is so that they could physically see inside the small bowel which they cannot do with any other method.