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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Mike58

    Delayed reaction?

    Hi Ron, My first thought would be, how many wings did you eat? I too had wings for the Super Bowl but only had 4 pieces of wing, not 4 whole wings. Maybe it's a volume issue. I think the Broncos team had a bad case of IBS yesterday as they played pretty crappie. Hang in there, Mike...
  2. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Exit4, My LTD is with Hartford. They have a preexisting clause in their policy. I started working for them on October 8, 2012. The LTD policy started on 11-1-2012. I was diagnosed with Crohn's on 10-31-2012. I went onto STD on 7-9-2013 with no problem. That lasted until 1-5-2014. That's...
  3. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I'll do that. I am going to call SSDI just to inquire of any progress. I'm sure they won't be able to update my status but I thought it might be worth the try.
  4. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I appied to SS on 12/5/2013 for my SSDI. My case is still under medical review.
  5. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I've been doing the leg work on my disability claims so far. It gives me something to do. My attorney is a good friend of mine who has offered to help and represent me to both disability sources. I am very fortunate to have him as a resource in this long battle.
  6. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Found out this morning that my private LTD company will be denying my claim because they have a pre-existing condition clause in their policy. I now have an attorney working with me to determine what is really a pre-exsisting condition. I still have not heard from SSDI. My attorney wants me...
  7. Mike58

    Hi from SW Kansas

    Rod, Welcome to the forum. I turn 59 in July so I wanted you to know you are not alone in your age group. I was 57 when diagnosed. It is a journey that will require patience on your part as well as your family's. Each of us with CD and UC experience different symptoms but in this forum, we...
  8. Mike58

    How much money do you need to have to be sick?

    CLCH87, It helps if you are rich and then get sick. I know your dilemma. I have the same health insurance company as last year but a new deductible and max out of pocket. This years deductible is $3000 and my max out of pocket is $6000. Last years deductible was $500 with a max out of pocket...
  9. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I saw my Endocrinologist this past Friday and he took it easy on me. Took me off the Victoza and Glimiperide but increased my insulin (Humalog) to 3 shots per day. Have to stay on Metformin forever, 2000 mg per day. He said as long as I have to be on Prednisone, he will be changing my meds...
  10. Mike58

    Crohns and back and joint pain

    Hi Mandy, When I was rushed to the ER in july 2013 with severe flare and obstruction symptoms, the ER docs did take an MRI and told my wife that my Sacareliac (sp) was fused together. They said this was common in Crohn's because the immune system attacks joints in the lower back. My GI doc...
  11. Mike58

    What to expect?

    Skybird14, I've been on Remicade since July 2013. I take the premeds offered before each infusion. The premeds are a Tylenol and an antihistamine. After each of the intro infusions, I was very tired. The following 3 to 4 days I didn't do much because of fatigue. Then I started to regain...
  12. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Ron, My memory did not serve me right. Sorry I sent the stricture info to you. It's still not bad reading. I figured out it should have been sent to another Ron.
  13. Mike58

    Possible stricture?

    Ron, A co-worker of my wife sent this to her for me. I thought it might help answer the stricture issue for you. What if I have a stricture in my small intestine? Remicade probably won't help. The natural history of Crohn's disease is to form ulcers on the inner intestinal wall which heal...
  14. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Ron50, If my memory serves me, I remember you asking about strictures on another post. I couldn't remember where so I am reaching out here. I found this info on Remicade and strictures. It does give a good definition of the cause of a stricture. What if I have a stricture in my small...
  15. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Thanks Lizbeth, Ron, and Carol, I appreciate all your thoughts on this issue of having Crohn's and Diabetes and God knows what else going on at the same time. I think Ron said it best when he compared all of us as walking a tightrope. It's been hard on all of us to keep walking that very...
  16. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Carol, Thanks for your reply. I am going to talk to my Endo later this month about that type of plan since I'm still on Pred. My insurance is no longer paying for Victoza so I guess I will talk to him about a substitute drug. Not sure I need it since I'm still on insulin. I am just having a...
  17. Mike58

    Shortness of breath

    I was wondering if anyone has experienced a prolonged shortness of breath after they had a lung infection. My GP thinks the lung infection was brought on by my being on Remicade and Imuran at the same time. I'm also still on 20 mg of Prednisone daily. I had a lung infection over a month ago...
  18. Mike58

    Jobhunting when sick?

    I would not tell your prospective new employer about your illness. You will learn what discrimination is all about. Also, I was not eligible for FMLA until employed full time for 12 months. You might be able to take a leave of absence if you run into problems with your Crohn's. Good luck.
  19. Mike58

    Possible stricture?

    Ron, Back in July 2013, I was told I had 3 strictures in the last 18 inches of my small bowel. My GI tried me on Remicade (1st and 2nd intro infusions) just to see if the drug might make the strictures reduce or go away. No such luck. In August, the GI surgeon removed 19 inches of the small...
  20. Mike58

    Spouses of Crohnies Support Group

    SofaKingConfused, I have been thinking of your post for the past couple of days and finally decided to answer your question. Your wife has a life time disease now. She has and will experience pain, nausea, moodiness, sleeplessness, more pain, and is probably not concerned at this time about how...