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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Robrich

    Are these Imuran side effects?

    Imuran and budesnide are both immune suppressants esp the Imuran. That makes you mo re susceptible to colds and infections esp opportunistic ones like candida. They may then be difficult to kick and linger on. Probably should mention it to your doc and do whatever you can to treat them.
  2. Robrich

    Question about insurance options

    You can get an individual policy directly with Kaiser. You can apply online. Or you can choose Kaiser through covered California which is better if you qualify for the bamacare subsidy. In any case make sure you compare deductibles as they can be quite high. You will want lower deductibles...
  3. Robrich

    Confused on treatment options for a fistula, and living with crohn's

    Anti biotics Flagyl and cipro can help clear it up. An SCD type diet can also help. Good luck.
  4. Robrich

    For crohns people over the age of 30

    For arterial and bone health add vit k2 to calcium and VIT D along with magnesium(glycinate or malate not oxide or citrate) this will help direct the calcium where you need it, to the bones and not the arteries. Weight bearing exercise and cardio are extremely helpful for both conditions.
  5. Robrich

    Why Do Doctors Refuse To Give Pain Meds?? Sue Them!!!

    My primary care doc gives me the pain meds. GIs just don't like to do it. Surgeons on the other hand give them out like candy. Then there are always pain management clinics. Good luck. You should not be forced to suffer but a lawsuit won't help just find the right primary care doc.
  6. Robrich

    My Story so far

    Yep steroids increase appetite and insomnia and anxiety paranoia and irritability so be careful about over reacting. Oh I forgot your Irish they never get angry or over! And go easy on the spirits. It does take 3 mos or more for the immune suppressants to work and then it's like 50/50...
  7. Robrich

    Inflammation level

    Doctor say diet won't help and has nothing to do with it? That is not correct. Many people myself ncluded have found help through diet. Your doctor just wants to monopolize control and follow what's in his big pharma bag. Most MDs won't get into diet and let patients pursue that on their own...
  8. Robrich

    My Story so far

    Doesn't sound like you are n remission yet. To be in remission inflammation should be gone, e.g. ESR normal, scope clear. Symptoms should be mild to none. If you feel close to normal that's a good sign. Lots to digest about this disease.please Forgive the pun.
  9. Robrich

    My Story so far

    Yes sounds like Crohns for awhile. Now they are treating it and hopefully will get you under control and in remission. You should learn as much as you can about diet and see what works for you. PALEO, AID etc. LOTS OF INFO HERE. SUPPLEMENTS ALSO VIT D. For sure as I've not heard that Ireland is...
  10. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    The newer protocol says go to four weeks. If you are tolerating it well go to four. Tell your doc to please look into it again. It is on the co. Website. Go there and print it out for him 6 weeks may not be enough.
  11. Robrich

    Treatments with Medicare Part D

    You might save some money looking at other part d plans they are not all the same. Check out Cigna. You will be in catastrophic coverage at about $3k of total Rx costs. Then I think you only pay 5%. You should max out your out of pocket expense at around $4-5k/yr. You can go online to...
  12. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Combo therapy is good and if that is not enough you can increase the ENTYVIO to every four weekS. That did the trick for me. The fistula closed and after several months had the seton removed, that was about 2weeks ago. So far so good. Also took antibiotics to keep the abscessng at bay. I have...
  13. Robrich

    Struggling with Entyvio

    Fernando yes she is, 100% from championship lines. that was taken the day we brought her home at exactly 8 weeks old. She is now 17 mos. time to update the photo maybe? She's my 3rd RIdgeback.
  14. Robrich

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Hi hingrim what meds are you on or have been on. Is it perianal or recto vaginal? The latter I suspect but not everyone has the same intimate desires. Sometimes an aggressive med approach can heal the fistula. Which is also often the case even with the seton
  15. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I moved from 8 to 4 weeks with excellent results. No side effects for me at all. That's the protocol today. We did discuss dropping to every six weeks but not for awhile Very happy to be in remission don't want to risk that. If I were you I'd go for it.
  16. Robrich

    Struggling with Entyvio

    To get entyvio to work for me we had to add MTX sc 1ml/w after about 5 infusions and later increased the entyvio to every four weeks That did the trick for me. Both helped and now in remission For those who have been through many meds the 8 week doing is not enough med. Good luck
  17. Robrich

    Signs of Inflammation?

    Leaf crazy the short answer is no one knows for sure if certain foods cause inflammation. You can try an elimination diet and keep a diary and you might come up with an answer, or not. Best if you keep an eye on inflammatory markers such as CRP, ESR, fecal cal protectin and get scoped periodically.
  18. Robrich

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    To get e entyvio to work for me we added MTX and increased the entyvio to every 4 weeks Inflammation in bowels cleared up and fistula closed. Who said you can't take other meds with entyvio? That is totally untrue. When you are in a difficult sit like you it is likely you will need a combination...
  19. Robrich

    Important new low side effect treatment option in clinical trial you may be eligible for (or help others learn about)

    Aloe where in Cali are you? Try the entocort for sure. Try every treatment you can including diet, probiotics, bone broth. Maybe look into anti map therapy If you have have a stricture, you may not be able to avoid surgery. Depending on where it is maybe they can do a resection and you can...
  20. Robrich

    Important new low side effect treatment option in clinical trial you may be eligible for (or help others learn about)

    aloe Maybe don't give up on the Entyvio so fast. If you failed Remicade after awhile like me it will likely take more than the basic every 8 weeks with ENTYVIO, just not enough med to overcome what is likely a more powerful response after beating up n the REMICADE. We added MTX 1 ml SC 1x/w and...