Treatments with Medicare Part D

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How do you pay for Humira/Uceris

  • Assistance program

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  • Can't afford it!

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Feb 18, 2010
My Gastro has put me on Uceris and/or Humira. Being over 65 I am on medicare parts A/B/D.... Under Part D Uceris costs 10.00 per tablet or $900 for 3 months...Humira costs $700 per pen or $4200 for three months.... All of the $25 offers specifically exclude people on Part D drug coverage.... we poor folk must pay through the nose...OBAMACARE AT ITS BEST!

Payment assist programs cut off at $37,000 household income. My rent expense in New York!

Does anybody have a work around! Help, please!!!!
You might save some money looking at other part d plans they are not all the same.
Check out Cigna.
You will be in catastrophic coverage at about $3k of total Rx costs. Then I think you only pay 5%. You should max out your out of pocket expense at around $4-5k/yr.
You can go online to plug in your meds and it will do plan comparisons for you.
FYI infusions like Remicade and entyvio are covered under part b and if you have the medicare supplemental plan f you pay nada, zilch for those.
Hey, checked out Cigna plans.... Humira+Pentasa=$37000 per year!

Yippeeeeeee.............Obamacare at work!:stinks::stinks::stinks::stinks::stinks::

Had you been on Remicade in the past? Just wondering why your doc chose humira instead of Remicade since it is fairly common knowledge that remicade is covered under the medical side and humira the px side. Even before ACA came into effect my Mom was told by her doc that she had a choice of Remicade and humira but Medicare covered remicade under medical so she wouldn't be paying out of pocket whereas humira would create high out of pocket cost. She has been on Remicade for 7 years now and hasn't incurred out of pocket expenses on remicade.
Might be a stretch but you can try and call the manufacturer, they some times have assistance programs that may help. I tried entivio unfortunately it didn't work but the manufacturer covered the medication cost for me for a year. The companies want you to take their meds. that's how they get exposure. You can also try the CCFA and see if they can help with finding a way through. Back on Humira and with out coverage you don't take these meds. they are just cost prohibitive.
...........Obama care like all good ideas.....once the haves get their hands on it, its the havenots who pay the price.
Its tough being a New Yorker with major health costs. After living expenses etc. it is getting harder and harder to stay, and I am a native NY'er (right around the corner from you by the way) and it keeps getting harder and harder.

CCFA= Crohn's Colitis Foundation of America
Already contacted drug companies.... if total household income is greater than 47,000 forget about assistance.....that is about my cost of housing in New York.... I would have to move to Montana to be able to afford drugs in place of housing