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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Justanothercp

    New diagnosis at 50

    Welcome Greg, sorry you made it to this select group! It is a journey, finding out what food you can tolerate and not tolerate. After toying with it for 20+ years, I have settled into the Paleo diet, but everyone is different. I found that processed foods really bothered me... But I have to...
  2. Justanothercp

    High Amount of Dietary Fiber Favorable for Crohn Disease

    Interesting read. Thank you for sharing. For the longest time, I thought I could not eat vegetables. But over the years I have worked my way into the Paleo diet, eating mostly vegetables. As long as they are cooked and peeled I seem to do well on this diet.
  3. Justanothercp

    Night sweats??!! What next?!

    Night sweating is worth letting md know...
  4. Justanothercp

    Worrying and Over-thinking Every day is too hard

    I think a lot of us feel that way to some degree. I cycle through bad times and not so bad times. I think it is important to continue to force yourself to engage in life to some degree. I also believe a lot of the exhaustion can be due to the disease process itself, our bodies are fighting hard...
  5. Justanothercp

    Help please!

    I would say definitely need a juicer that filters fiber out. Especially if you have strictures.
  6. Justanothercp

    Is a partial liquid diet helpful?

    I frequently will go on liquid diet for a few days or partial liquid for a few days and it always helps. I have had bowel resection for stricture and have another one now that I am managing. But when I feel things are going bad, I will go to liquids and usually that helps. I will do bone...
  7. Justanothercp

    Having a difficult time

    So difficult when life gets crazy. Hang in there.
  8. Justanothercp

    Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    No. But thanks for sharing, interesting.
  9. Justanothercp

    Loud stomach noises

    Mine made load noises due to stricture, worse stricture got, worse sounds got. Surgery relieved most of it.
  10. Justanothercp

    How do you cope with being an introvert?

    I totally understand. Are your symptoms well controlled? That helps if you stabilize symptoms. I was never a real party person or needed to go out much and of course this disease pushed me further in that direction. Tough.
  11. Justanothercp

    AM I the only one that doesnt conform to classic Crohns symptoms?

    My understanding is there are subtypes: inflammatory, fistulizing, stricturing etc. I have stricturing, I've had a bowel resection. But never had a real problem with diarrhea.
  12. Justanothercp

    Is it normal to still have good and bad days on Entocort?

    I've been on Entocort for a long time and definitely have good days/bad days.
  13. Justanothercp

    Have Had Crohn's A Long Time

    22 yrs diagnosed, but symptoms for at least 25. One resection. Daily symptoms and taking lots of Meds. Just trying to stay positive, not let it own me. Thankful for everyday I'm feeling okay.
  14. Justanothercp

    Feeling Frustrated - Personal independence payments nightmare

    I know in the US they have really been tightening up on this kind of assistance, mainly because the program here in US is going broke....
  15. Justanothercp

    Question about insurance options

    Teeny, Do you work for Kaiser or just have kaiser insurance? You can certainly carry COBRA insurance until your coverage with your new jobs kicks in. COBRA is expensive. I believe you have to pay 100% of insurance cost + 2% for administrative fee. (so if your employer currently contributes, it...
  16. Justanothercp

    Advice please

    Sorry for all you've been going through. I don't take humira, I'm on remicade. But it sounds like your disease is progressive enough that you really don't have much choice but to give it a try. I also had a bad reaction to Aza, but I've been tolerating remicade well for years. Good luck to...
  17. Justanothercp

    "Bubbling" feeling??

    Kind of sounds like a partial obstruction
  18. Justanothercp

    Online Pharmacies

    Has anyone had luck with online pharmacy orders? I am considering ordering my Budesonide from online pharmacy so I can save about $1200/yr.
  19. Justanothercp

    Entocort/Budesonide help

    So, the cost of a prescription of Budesonide just went from $20 to $500 for me due to insurance reclassifying it as a "specialty" Tier 3 drug. Are there any alternatives?? $500 each refill is gonna be tough to swing.
  20. Justanothercp

    21 years later and still none the wiser...

    Wow, that is a lot to deal with. Sorry you are going through so much. Can you ask for a second opinion??