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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. R

    Aaaaaaargh SO FRUSTRATED!!!

    G'day cmci, Sorry you are feeling so bad on mtx. I know the feeling well I did 48 weekly sessions of 5fu a colon ca chemo similar to methotrexate. There is a definite feeling of being systemically poisoned. I am 14 years clear of ca but now have lots of auto-immune problems. I took mtx...
  2. R

    Methotrexate - last resort?

    Thanks KW, My liver results were a little out of wack on meth but my nephrologist does things by the book. My rheumatologist had me on arava and he was supposed to do bloods every couple of weeks , . He did the first lot then did not worry for three months . I was starting to...
  3. R

    Word to the wise(:

    Hi all, I have been in the same position with cancer chemo,methotrexate is also used as chemotherapy. I had chemo every tuesday for a year. At first my mouth was raw and bleeding. The oncologist suggested a number of over the counter mouth washes. I could never use them as they...
  4. R

    Methotrexate - last resort?

    Hi all. I am new to the forums. I am a colon ca survivor. I used methotrexate off and on for a couple of years. I hated it because it reminds me so much of the cancer chemo 5fu but it worked well for me . I was taking it for auto-immune problems,psoriatic arthritis and an unknown auto problem...
  5. R

    A lifetime of IBS

    Hi, Yes I have had the apnea test,wore the monitor overnight. The results and the results of the results left me bewildered. No I don't stop breathing at night so they will not give me cpap. What they found is that at times during the night my oxygen levels plummet. I was told I just stop...
  6. R

    A lifetime of IBS

    Hi , My name is Ron. My family has a history of colon and digestive tract problems. My brother has been having colonoscopies and endoscopies for thirty years . His official dx is ulcerative colitis and proctitis. He is ok with it all and pred and sulphasalazine keep it in check. He is now...