A lifetime of IBS

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Nov 24, 2012
Hi ,
My name is Ron. My family has a history of colon and digestive tract problems. My brother has been having colonoscopies and endoscopies for thirty years . His official dx is ulcerative colitis and proctitis. He is ok with it all and pred and sulphasalazine keep it in check. He is now 67.
I am 62 and did not have my first scope I was 48. It was too late for me .I was dxed with stage3c colon cancer into six lymph nodes.I had part of my transverse and descending colon removed followed by a year of chemotherapy. Unfortuntely one of the chemo agents was levamisole. It was banned for human use in the early 2ooo,s because of fatal side effects. I have stayed cancer free since. I have not had good health. I had acute pancreatitis,gall bladder removal,high cholesterol,muscle breakdown from statins,high blood pressure,severe psoriatic arthritis ,alkylysing spondolitis ,insulin resistence. and moderate to high protein-urea of the kidneys.
I have had three kidney biopsies but so far my nephrologist cannot give me a dx. He admits there is a problem but it does not conform to known kidney problems. It has been misdiagnosed twice ,once as minimal change disease and again as FSGS (scarring of the kidney filters) Unfortunately I was put on 75 mg a day of prednisone for eighteen months. it nearly killed me and has added type two diabetes to my list of ills. For the past seven years I have suffered from chronic diahorreah. Unfortunately it has been beieved to be a a result of drug interaction and the door has been closed on many options leaving only drugs like cyclosporin,cyclophosphomide ,imuran ect to be tried. I have neuropathy in both feet and legs as well as left hand.
When my gallbladder was removed I complained for years that I still had right flank pain and felt nausea not long after eating. None of my docs cared and thought I was just having a whinge. I am now convinced that I am one of the ten percent of people that do not benefit from gall bladder removal. It appears in our case when food hits the stomach the liver dumps bile. The result is constant trips too the loo soon after eating. When I had problems with statins for cholesterol I was put onto questran lite. I had major problems with it but I think it was technique rather than the questran. I have started to take it again ,I now mix it with my rolled oats of a morning and I think it is starting to help. If it works I may be able to go back on methotrexate which is the only drug so far that has helped my kidneys. I have to do something soon as my protein loss has reached over three grams a day and oedeema is getting bad . A recent chest scan was confirmed that I have pulmonary oedeema and early congestive heart failure. It is scary ,I wake at night unable to get oxygen.
Life goes on tho ,I am not considered eligible for a disability pension ,they say I am not sick. So I continue to work . Hugs to all Ron.
Hi, Ron! Welcome to the forum!

I'm sorry to hear about all of your health problems. It certainly sounds as if you're sick! I really hope things get better for you soon! :hug:
Welcome Ron,
Oh my dear. At least you are tredging forward with a decent attitude. Keep your head held high, it sounds as though you are quite the survivor. As for waking at night, do they have you on any type of CPAP machine to help you breath? Have they tested you for sleep apnea? I would speak with the dr about this test if you haven't already. Keep it up, you can fight this. Good luck n keep us posted. We are here for support and to vent to, if need be. - hugs-
Yes I have had the apnea test,wore the monitor overnight. The results and the results of the results left me bewildered. No I don't stop breathing at night so they will not give me cpap. What they found is that at times during the night my oxygen levels plummet. I was told I just stop absorbing oxygen. The bewilderment ,the sleep clinic did not do anything or suggest anything. It was getting so bad that I had to jump all over my gp to get anything done. I was already taking micardis plus which is a combo b/p /diuretic. It was not up to the challenge so now I am on standard micardis and lasix. It is a horrible drug and between the lasix and the diahorreah I have to make sure I drink plenty and get electrolite supplements. I just don't know how many things can get cut out ,fall off or just stop working. I have serious concerns about the levamisole I was on. The cancer industry does not say much about the bad things that happen. Having said that,cancer is a real time disease ,you get the best treatment available at the time you are dxed. I am learning a lot about levamisole now as it has become the substance of choice for cutting around seventy percent of the street cocaine coming into the US. It is having shocking effects on cocaine users. Cheers Ron.
Hello and welcome to the forum,
Wow you have been through a lot and as Acheallova said you seem to have a Really good attitude even with everything that is still going on. It sounds like you wot give up until you get answers that you need from the Dr's.
Wishing you well
With having cancer, the drug are always moving forward. There is reason to worry on the drugs you've had BUT there is benefit to it as well. Theses experimental drugs allowed my father ( who was given 7 days to live) to live quite a few years to see a couple of his granddaughters before he passed. Please, just stay positive and keep looking forward as the key to survival is willpower and stubbornness. You have had a great battle, and won, thus God has a greater purpose for you. Remember that, there is always a reason, if only to make you stronger and cherish life. Muah- hugs-