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  1. R

    Medicare question for Aussies

    My nephrologist and rheumatologist both want me on Humira. The reason I qualify is that I have been down every other track . I have had three kidney biopsies. I have taken 75 mg a day of prednisone for 18mos,sulfasalazine,methotrexate,arava,methotrexate via injections now humira is next on the...
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    Ileostomy and organ donation

    My kidneys leak protein pretty badly . I have been dxed with auto-immune disease ,they just don't know what kind. I have been told that because of the nature of my disease,if my kidneys fail ,I cannot have a transplant, I suspect that it will also make me ineligible as a n organ donor . Ron.
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    Don't ya just hate when...

    Don't worry Michelle I was joining in the fun. When you go under the knife for colon cancer you really don't know what you will wake up with. I was lucky my cancer was in the transvers and descending colon. They are pretty much the same sized plumbing and can be rejoined straight away. A lot of...
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    Don't ya just hate when...

    With the greatest of respect to you incredible ostomates I have just come to the absolute conclusion that despite what drastic medical problems arise ,they can keep their hands off the exhaust system. It's been shortened once but it ain't gonna happen again. Thank you for helping me make this...
  5. R

    Pelvic lymph nodes!!! :(

    Hi Badr, with all of those fistulas I would be thinking more infection than cancer. The nodes are the first line of protection against infection. Are they doing bloods and a follow up scope?Ron.
  6. R

    Nsaid's are they that bad

    The problem with nsaids is they mask the damage they are doing by stopping pain and inflammation. They do serious damage to your stomach lining and really should not be used by anyone unless they take some agent to protect the stomach,ie zantac in normal people or somac or nexium or the likes...
  7. R

    Colonoscopy and endoscopy the same day?!

    I have had a lot more colonoscopies than endoscopies but On at least three ocassions I have had them togeather. My brother has had both at the same time for over thirty years . He sufferes u/c protitis and barrets oesophpogitis. Ron.
  8. R

    How to talk with a new Dr. when I have a Bad Attitude

    When I was very young I was dxed with a serious lung complaint,bronciextasis. The treatment in those days was two drops of creosote in a glass of milk. In fact I was born with a hiatus hernia,the bubbling they could hear in my chest was my stomach resting on my lungs.Strike one. I had a...
  9. R

    How to talk with a new Dr. when I have a Bad Attitude

    Be subtle jac . Just tell them that you honestly believe that doctors are probably the greatest bunch of under achievers the world has spawned. You walk into their cosulting room ,they get paid.They don't even have to talk to you ,they get paid. They mis diagnose you ,they get paid. If a miracle...
  10. R

    I have Stomach Ulcer and now..?

    HI mama I really think that you should go back to your doc and ask for an endoscopy. I am not suggesting that you don't have an ulcer but from experience you really do need to know what sort ,where it is and what caused it. I have had both doudenal and peptic ulcers . They take a small biopsy...
  11. R

    Ulcerative colitis, not crohn's, deaths down from 1982

    Fifteen years Yesterday was the anniversary of my surgery to remove colon cancer. It was jan22nd 1998. Fifteen years. It seems a lifetime. During that time I have suffered severe peripheral neuropathy,duodenal and peptic ulceration. The last lot of stomach ulcers were dxed as stomach ca before...
  12. R

    Methotrexate and joints and fatigue, encouragment needed

    Hi Supermom I found self injecting mtx was very easy. I used the self sealing philes and the single use insulin needles. I injected in my stomach and it was painless.The physical act is easy getting into the right frame of mind to do it can be harder. I see my nephrologist today and expect to...
  13. R

    Methotrexate and joints and fatigue, encouragment needed

    I have taken mtx on and off for years. I was on 20mg a week ,from memeory that worked oiut at .8 ml injection. I was originally prescribed it for a psoriatic arthritis flare but it also helped bigtime with an auto-immune problem I had with my kidneys. Unfortunately mtx is used as a chemotherapy...
  14. R

    Does anyone else ever get really bloated?

    Me too Mc and it does not seem to have any specific trigger and the accompanying gurgles and rumbles are so loud they are embarrasing. Ron.
  15. R

    Lymph nodes

    I had colon cancer. When they remove it they take it in a field with clear margins each side of the cancer. They take the colon and all the connective tissue that includes blood supply and regional lymph nodes(they refer to it as the flange) I lost around thirteen inches and and thirteen...
  16. R

    Questran questions

    Hi stacey, I suffer chronic diarrhea as a result of gall bladder surgery. The bile acids just run straight into my gut and anything I eat goes straight thru. I took questran lite years ago as part of a cholesterol lowering treat ment. At that time i was suffering constipation as...
  17. R

    Awful people!

    Ther are a seemingly a lot of rude insensitive people out there. Mostly it is just ignorance. Genuine ignorance. If something is outside their scope and they cannot understand it ,it can lead to situations like yours. I have always talked about my problems. I had stage 3 bowel cancer,I was at...
  18. R

    Slight pain on chest and some heartburn after gastrocopy

    I wonder if a lot of the pain and discomfort from scopes is not due to the amount of air they pump in to expand areas so that they can see clearly. I have a hiatus hernia and when I have an endoscopy they always cause me some grief with air aggravating the hernia. All of us will be aware of the...
  19. R

    What is proctitis? Same as UC?

    My brother was dxed with ulcerative colitis and proctitis over 35 years ago. It has been so long he still refers to sulfasalasine as salasopryosin. He initially had a couple of short rounds of prenisone on a quick taper. he has been having a scope every year as well as an endoscopy. The...
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    Pains/Numbness in Toes, heels, hands or fingers

    It is a permanent problem for me .I can't feel my legs from the knees down except when they decide to catch fire in bed at night and I have lost feeling in the fingers of my left hand. Mine is as a result of cancer and subsequent chemo but not staright away. A lot of cancer sufferes get severe...