Slight pain on chest and some heartburn after gastrocopy

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Feb 25, 2010
Had colon & stomach scope yesterday. Yestday felt sore throat like at beginning of cold but then again i've had that before
Today slight pain on chest with some burning and shoulder blades. Neck slight sore on right side but also i've had that before and basicallyall these things happening. Today ate a bun wiht chicken in it and the chest things felt abit more and also like food was at base of throat. I've had that also about 1 year ago. Its not severe but please some advice.
I have had many upper scopes. I never had too much of any side effects afterwards except maybe a sore throat. But I do remember once I had a doctor other than my GI at the time do it, my gastro had an emergency and could not make it so another gastro did it. Well that time I also had issues. The next day I had bad chest discomfort. I mean it was bad. I went to the ER thinking maybe I was throwing a blood clot or something. The ER also thought that and did blood work but all was ok. They told me what likely happened was the doctor who did the scope maybe was not so careful and scratched my esophagus likely or bruised it and that was what was causing me that pain. It is possible that your were scratched a bit or it bruised you there. It will likley get better within the week. If it gets really bad then I would call the doctor, but otherwise it will likely go away after a few days...Hope you feel better soon. Just eat softer foods for a bit.

Had colon & stomach scope yesterday. Yestday felt sore throat like at beginning of cold but then again i've had that before
Today slight pain on chest with some burning and shoulder blades. Neck slight sore on right side but also i've had that before and basicallyall these things happening. Today ate a bun wiht chicken in it and the chest things felt abit more and also like food was at base of throat. I've had that also about 1 year ago. Its not severe but please some advice.
yes thanks i will go in if it gets worse. I had 3 upper scopes before with the same surgeon and was okay each time. I just wish this surgeon was a gastro dr., he is very caring and listens, doesnt rush you. He's older and had done many scopes. Thelady that did mine just became a gastro dr. about 5 years ago. I was a bit worried about that. I just hope its better tomorrow.
Yeah, I am sure it will pass. I bet you just a bit bruised from the scope or maybe even a slight scratch. Hang in there, it should get better..

yes thanks i will go in if it gets worse. I had 3 upper scopes before with the same surgeon and was okay each time. I just wish this surgeon was a gastro dr., he is very caring and listens, doesnt rush you. He's older and had done many scopes. Thelady that did mine just became a gastro dr. about 5 years ago. I was a bit worried about that. I just hope its better tomorrow.
When u went in, is that all u had to do was a blood test. How can they tell from that if there is a tear. Did u do any other tests. I read some get a xray, is that just regular one or scan. I may go today, but I think my stress about is adding to it. When sleeping I don't feel this but when I wake up I feel winded. I am thinking too much about this. How long did it take for your chest discomfort to go away.
I believe they did a chest xray and blood work. It took about a week for me to feel back to normal. I would say it is a good sign that you are able to sleep without it bothering you. I would think if it was a tear then you would be in bad pain all the time.

Now feeling winded I am not sure about. I am thinking if you go to the ER, they will do a chest xray and also blood work to make sure everything is ok. They may even do an ekg if you tell them you are feeling winded. But because you are ok while sleeping, that is a good sign. But if you are very worried you could always go get it checked out just to make sure everything is ok. I know that I had that same feeling, I kind of felt that pain in my chest but it was coming from my esophagus. You dont nessasarily have to have a tear but it can just be like a scratch or even just irritated from the whole process of the scope. I think it will pass, but again if you are really worried or feeling you are getting worse, then you should go get it checked out. I hope you feel better soon..

When u went in, is that all u had to do was a blood test. How can they tell from that if there is a tear. Did u do any other tests. I read some get a xray, is that just regular one or scan. I may go today, but I think my stress about is adding to it. When sleeping I don't feel this but when I wake up I feel winded. I am thinking too much about this. How long did it take for your chest discomfort to go away.
Thanks so much. I will try to quit worrying because I have felt that winded feeling before with worrying. Thanks again
Oh Ok, then yeah, if you have felt that winded feeling before when you were worried or stressed, that is likely what could be causing that feeling. I think you will be ok, I mean if it was something sinister I would think it would not go away or get better when you go to sleep. Hang in there, try and get your mind off of it, maybe watch a movie or read a book or something. I know it is hard, I myself I am the queen of worry :)

Thanks so much. I will try to quit worrying because I have felt that winded feeling before with worrying. Thanks again
I did go to er yesterday's did xray and was okay. I truly appreciate your advice and it is correct. But my worrying is so extreme, I worry anything like right now kind of worried about a pimple turning into a boil then what if it gets infectedthen need antibiotics. I feel like I can just go crazy.
well it's good you went, at least now you can not stress so much over it. I totally understand the worrying, I worry about a lot as well. It is hard not to. I am glad you are ok though :)

I did go to er yesterday's did xray and was okay. I truly appreciate your advice and it is correct. But my worrying is so extreme, I worry anything like right now kind of worried about a pimple turning into a boil then what if it gets infectedthen need antibiotics. I feel like I can just go crazy.
I wasn't goin to post this since i've been overreacting too much on this issue. But i notice when i eat a bit more i get heartburn and feel like food is at base of throat. Its been 4 1/2 days since tests. I take 1 nexium daily.
Well, since it has only been 4 1/2 days, it could still be your healing. I mean if the scope did happen to bruise your esophagus a bit or even give a tiny scratch, it could take up to a week to heal up completely. I remember once a few years back I was eating chips. Well I swalled a bigger piece by accident and it scratched my esophagus going down, I actually felt it. I had that feeling of when I would swallow it felt like food would get caught in there and felt weird going down. I had that feeling for like over a week and finally it went away. That could be the issue if the scope just irritated things.

How long have you been on nexium? Are you on it for acid reflux? Acid reflux can also cause the feelings of food getting stuck and such. Have you ever tried the over the counter antacids like gaviscon or mylanta?

I wasn't goin to post this since i've been overreacting too much on this issue. But i notice when i eat a bit more i get heartburn and feel like food is at base of throat. Its been 4 1/2 days since tests. I take 1 nexium daily.
I wonder if a lot of the pain and discomfort from scopes is not due to the amount of air they pump in to expand areas so that they can see clearly. I have a hiatus hernia and when I have an endoscopy they always cause me some grief with air aggravating the hernia. All of us will be aware of the windy aftermath of colonoscopies. The worst pain I ever had was from laproscopic gall bladder surgery,they pump you up like a ballon but don't let the air out,it comes out via osmossis. I thought I was having a heart attack... Ron.