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  1. D

    6MP and nausea?

    Thanks! Actually I just talked to my dr and she recommended exactly that, to split the dose. I will try that starting tomorrow! I have been taking it with dinner, and the nausea hasn't hit until morning, it's really strange! Thanks so much for the tips.
  2. D

    Hello! **waves**

    Haha! Yes. 'm just in the US for the summer. So you can see it as I'm from the US but living in Europe. I'll be back in Europe soon! I'm glad to hear the remicade has been working for you, it's really encouraging to hear that! I hope it works for me!
  3. D

    Hello! **waves**

    Thank you for the warm welcome! Astra - I'm from the US but actually living in Europe for the time being (although in the US at the's a little complicated!)
  4. D

    Hello! **waves**

    Hi everyone, I'm so glad I found this forum! It's so great to know that I'm not alone. I just got diagnosed with Crohn's last week. I've been sick since about February, but unfortunately had a doctor who told me it was all in my head. I ended up in the ER a few times, but had trouble getting...
  5. D

    6MP and nausea?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, just got diagnosed with Crohn's. I've been taking 6MP for about a week and I'm dealing with some terrible nausea. I'm going to change the time of day I take it, and see if that helps (since the nausea has been worst in the AM). I have a call in to my dr's office...