6MP and nausea?

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Aug 4, 2010
Hi everyone,

I'm new here, just got diagnosed with Crohn's. I've been taking 6MP for about a week and I'm dealing with some terrible nausea. I'm going to change the time of day I take it, and see if that helps (since the nausea has been worst in the AM).

I have a call in to my dr's office. Just wondering if anyone has any tips in the meantime!

Thank you
I am on Imuran which is a similar drug. I did find the nausea went away after a month or so. I take mine with my supper and I find this helps. Were you taking yours in the AM?
Hi and welcome. Try taking half in morning & half at night this helped my daughter who also has it, If not try cyclazine I think that how it spelt anti-sickness xx good luck

Sue x
Thanks! Actually I just talked to my dr and she recommended exactly that, to split the dose. I will try that starting tomorrow!

I have been taking it with dinner, and the nausea hasn't hit until morning, it's really strange!

Thanks so much for the tips.
I was on 5MP for a while. I didn't really notice nausea, but it did make my gums hurt. Let me know if it helps you. I may have to try it again. I weaned myself off of it and now I am having inflammation. I know - bad girl. But, the side effects were bothering me (gum inflammation and a horrible taste in my mouth) and I can be a bad patient sometimes. LOL!!