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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Canasa - Not So Sexy

    Hi entice! Yes, that "butt pill" can be a real pain in the a**! LOL! I haven't taken it in awhile, but it hurt for a few minutes after I'd take it. But if it is working, I say stick with it! As far as the tingling, I never experienced that symptom, but it could be Crohn's related. We all...
  2. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Sunshine - I am so sorry you are so unwell! We've been thinking about you. But it's wonderful that your doctor is determined to get you well. I really hope you get answers soon! @Cat - I would certainly keep an eye on that blood. But, hopefully, it's just coming from a hemmie. Perhaps...
  3. xJillx

    Soo many questions!!!!

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry you feel so overwhelmed. There are so many different treatments, supplements, diets, etc. to try, I can understand your frustration. I must admit, I am not good with diets. I love food too much. However, when my guts are unhappy, I stick with a low res diet of...
  4. xJillx

    New member

    Hi and welcome! You may not realize it, but you are doing a lot for your boyfriend. Simply supporting him and showing him you love and care for him is so important. It's easy to become depressed when dealing with a chronic illness, and it is so important to know your family, friends, and...
  5. xJillx

    My story

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry that your Crohn's returned after so long. How are you doing with your new ileostomy? I sure hope you are feeling a lot better. I don't think you can do much better than the Cleveland Clinic. You may want to check out the Stoma Subforum - lots of good info in there!
  6. xJillx


    Hi slim and welcome! I am glad you have such a positive attitude, but I am sorry to hear you deal with so much daily pain. How long have you been on pred and entocort? These drugs should address the inflammation, but if you haven't seen an improvement, you should reach out to your doctor...
  7. xJillx

    Still feeling poorly

    I am sorry to hear you are still feeling unwell. I sure hope Tysabri will give you the relief you deserve! Hang in there, Amanda.
  8. xJillx

    Well here I am on the edge.

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry no treatment has helped your IBD. The medication you have been on is geared towards those with mild-moderate cases. Perhaps you need something stronger. I suggest doing some homework in our Treatment Forum. Become familar with the many different options, and...
  9. xJillx

    Hi from a college student!

    Hi and welcome to the forum, Adam! I am glad to hear you are doing so well - hooray! If the military is not an option due to your Crohn's, perhaps you can pursue another career that serves your country and community. Regardless of what path you decide to take, I hope you continue to feel...
  10. xJillx

    Mother...CD Sufferer

    Hi Hill and welcome! I am sorry to hear about your daughter. There are many more treatments becoming available, but the current big 3 biologics are Humira, Remicade, and Cimzia. I suggest checking out the Treatment Forum to read up on these different treatments. I sure hope your daughter...
  11. xJillx


    Good luck, Sandra! Try not to be scared. Think positive!
  12. xJillx

    Sarah's story

    Hi Catherine and welcome! I am sorry to hear your daughter is so unwell. It must be very difficult to see her suffer. But hopefully once her doctors figure out what is going on with her health, she can start appropriate treatment and start to feel better. We have many other parents like you...
  13. xJillx


    I am sorry to hear your hubby hasn't improved any yet. I sure hope things turn around for him soon!
  14. xJillx

    Diagnosed 1-27-12

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. Accutane could have been the cause, but I don't think you'll ever know for sure. Pred should help get the inflammation under control quickly. Most see an improvement within a few days. However, you can't take pred long term as it has...
  15. xJillx

    I am so confused!!!

    Hi Nell Bell, My situation is similar, actually. I had minor symptoms (basically just passing mucus) back in the summer of 2010. My first GI suggested a colonoscopy right off the bat to save time. Inflammation & ulcers were found in the TI and rectum, and though biopsies were negative, my GI...
  16. xJillx

    Hello and Thanks

    Hi and welcome! I am so glad to hear Dillon is doing so well. And congrats to both of you on your graduations - how exciting! Dillon sounds like a great young man, especially being that he has more to deal with than the average teen. It's wonderful that he has such a good attitude. I hope...
  17. xJillx

    It's about time to do this

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry to hear your long remission had to come to an end. As Angrybird asked, are you currently taking any medication or adjusted your treatment plan to address this flare? I hope things get under control quickly and another long remission is in the near future!
  18. xJillx

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry to hear you are feeling so badly. Pred should work quickly to get the inflammation under control, which will reduce your pain. But until it fully kicks in, rest and eat carefully. When I am unwell, I stick to a low res diet. Things like rice, chicken, crackers...
  19. xJillx

    Crohn's and supplements

    Hi and welcome! You should bop over the the Enteral Nutrition subforum. This treatment plan has a high remission induction rate with little to no side effects. Of course, many struggle with not eating solid food, but if the disease is bad enough, I am sure the benefits greatly outweigh this...
  20. xJillx


    Hi Blitz and welcome. Boy, are stories are pretty similar. My first colonoscopy showed ulcers in the TI and rectum, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's immediately. I started Lialda, but my symptoms persisted. I got a new doc, tried different meds, and had many, many more tests. All have been...