Canasa - Not So Sexy

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Jan 7, 2011
I started taking Canasa suppositories shortly after I was diagnosed to address a few small ulcers I have in my rectum, which would cause me to have an uncomfortable pressure feeling and regularly pass mucus and sometimes blood. After about 5 weeks of taking Canasa nightly, I started to have less pressure and mucus. I actually had a 5 week run of not passing any mucus! So, my GI wanted me to start to wean off. Sure enough, that pressure feeling and mucus is back. Well, I am back on Canasa nightly. Though it certainly is not sexy, "Look away honey, I need to pop my pill up my butt", I really don't mind taking them. But I was just curious if anyone else taking Canasa had this problem?
Not sure what Canasa is maybe someone else might know? I do have ulcers in my rectum also and the only thing my doc. gave me was Mesalamine rectal suspension enema and I still not sure why because I couldn't even do it way to painful and don't even think thats what it was for . But if its working I think thats great. Maybe I will ask my doc. about it ? sorry can't really help much . good luck!
Canasa is a mesalamine suppository. I am also taking Lialda (mesalamine), but it is released so high, it doesn't reach the rectum. So, the Canasa is used to address those lower ulcers. It seemed to worked, so I am sticking with it, though I'd prefer something oral...
Yea I know what you mean. Wish they would come up with something better just like they need to come up with some better way for a prep. Hang in there I know its not easy.:)
HAHAHA....Jill you crack me up....only cuz I know exactly what your going through. So Ive been having some problems in my anus region and Ive never had to deal with them before...until recently. So Im in the bathroom and really uncomfortable when I decide I have to look...what is bothering me so badly. So I get my big a** in the mirror and OMG. Well my husband walks in and says what are you now I want to show him, bc I have to confirm what Im looking at. So sure enough, some sort of sores...bloody blistery looking things....auuuu yes!! The burdons of this disease. So to make matters worst, when I call to schedule an apt with GI, the only one who can see me is this young hot guy!! Oh boy, how embarrased I was!! LOL~
Oh man! I refuse to have a guy GI, especially a hot one! I wouldn't be able to look him in the face.
Jill, I know exactly how you feel...I was recently put on Canasa suppositories also. Not the most fun part of my day but they definitely made a huge difference for a few weeks and then seemed to stop working. I had to have a strictureplasty and a ton of scar tissue cut away this week.
Best thing is to keep your humor about the how you say "pop your pill up your butt"
I had to have a strictureplasty and a ton of scar tissue cut away this week."

Ouch! Where was your scar tissue located - near the rectum? How are you feeling now? I hope it provide you with some relief!

My bottom has been causing me a great deal of discomfort lately, mostly when I am sitting. I am hoping now that I am back taking Canasa nightly, it will subside. Crossing my fingers...
Yes it was in the rectum. I never experienced symptoms of crohn's that low until the last couple od years. And in December it got so bad that I wasn't able to go to the bathroom despite the pressure of having to go every 20-30 minutes. Im not sure if it's the same pain you are experiencing but I was also suffering from a pain in my butt (no pun intended). It hurt to sit down in any position. I could only lay on my back. That's when I saw my Gastro and he recommended I see a surgeon. It's been 5 days since the surgery and I feel great. My crohn's belly is going down and my pain is completely gone. Hoping this will last. And I haven't used Canasa since the surgery.

Hope you feel better soon. It's great to have this place to share stories and information without being embarrassed.
Oh man! I refuse to have a guy GI, especially a hot one! I wouldn't be able to look him in the face.

Ahaha.... my GI is so ridiculously good-looking (and relatively young and male). I love it. I dunno. Maybe it's because I'm in a good happy relationship anyways that I just think it's such a funny bonus to have this gorgeous man poking around my butt, but I tend to have a somewhat sick sense of humor anyways and between Crohn's and being in nursing school I just don't have the slightest embarassment about my bowels anymore.
Ahaha.... my GI is so ridiculously good-looking (and relatively young and male). I love it. I dunno. Maybe it's because I'm in a good happy relationship anyways that I just think it's such a funny bonus to have this gorgeous man poking around my butt, but I tend to have a somewhat sick sense of humor anyways and between Crohn's and being in nursing school I just don't have the slightest embarassment about my bowels anymore.

Ha! I hear you on that. My GI is meh, but my orthopedist and his male nurse are both good looking. Had some SI steroid injections from them last month, and I was alright with droppin' my drawers for them. :p I'm incredibly happily married and would never ever break his trust but... y'know. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good lookin' guy!

Also, I come from a family of nurses where discussion of bodily functions at the dinner table is pretty normal. Not squeamish around doctors at all. I share that sick sense of humor too. You're not alone in finding the messed up amusing.
funny stuff. My disease is located in my rectum and wonder if enemas are really the only way to get medication to the right spot. I used to use procto-foam but thinks it was to strong.

I am seeing my female GI doctor tomorrow (I am male) and she has stuck her finger up my butt so many times its kinda like shaking hands now. She is cool, its always the last thing we do so we don't have to talk much afterwards.
funny stuff. My disease is located in my rectum and wonder if enemas are really the only way to get medication to the right spot. I used to use procto-foam but thinks it was to strong.

I am seeing my female GI doctor tomorrow (I am male) and she has stuck her finger up my butt so many times its kinda like shaking hands now. She is cool, its always the last thing we do so we don't have to talk much afterwards.

I never heard of procto-foam. I will have to look that up. May I ask how it was too strong?

I guess I have been lucky that I never had my doc up my butt. Well, not while I was conscious anyways. But it hadn't been needed before. This may change, because my rectum seems to be my trouble spot right now. I am one lucky girl!
i think using it for long period of time probably weakens the wall of the intestine/rectum. That's just a theory of mine. I would trade the location of my disease any time. I have had the disease at the end of my small intestine and the end of my colon. If it comes back I hope it just shoots for the middle somewhere.
I'm 27 and I've been diagnosed with Crohn's for 4 years now, but I'm sure I had it before that. I now take Apriso every day and Canasa when needed, which is when I have bleeding ulcers in my rectum. I also take methoscopolamine and prednisone. Firstly, my biggest issue with Canasa is that it hurts so bad when I insert them. My rectum ulcers are always irritated by the 'butt pill' and I dread taking them - although they do work. My doctor recommends taking them for 5 days even after the bleeding.

For over a year now, my hands have been swelling and tingling badly and then my throat burns and feet also tingle. I went to several allergists and immunologists and all the tests were inconclusive. I stopped eating gluten for a year, until my hands started swelling again. I finally concluded on my own that it has something to do with my immune system and Crohns, which is an autoimmune disease, because usually my symptoms come after I don't feel great and no allergy meds work, only prednisone. Has anyone every had this problem? I hate taking prednisone because of the side affects - acne, etc. but I really don't have any choice.
Hi entice! Yes, that "butt pill" can be a real pain in the a**! LOL! I haven't taken it in awhile, but it hurt for a few minutes after I'd take it. But if it is working, I say stick with it!

As far as the tingling, I never experienced that symptom, but it could be Crohn's related. We all experience different symptoms; it's such a contrary disease! But I hope you feel better soon and these symptoms subside.
My GI is a male and he's already done a flexible sig on me this year. Not always the most comfortable stripping for a male other than my husband. But, I haven't died from it yet.

BTW my husband is the one who puts my canasa in me. I guess after 13 years of marriage we've seen it all.
I share your sentiment xJillx. But for me (like you it seems), delivery location is the key. The oral tablets never worked for me because they could never deliver the medicine sufficiently deep into the GI tract.

Hope Canasa keeps working for you--I've dialed my dosage way back in recent years.
I'm using canasa suppositories too. I have a fissure and the GI thought they might help. I get to use those at night and then a hemorrhoid suppository in the morning (also to help with all the issues I'm having in that area)'s just lovely. I have these medicines in a little bag that I leave in the bathroom. My kids call it "Mommy's butt bag!" LOL
Hello xJillx

I know this is a very old post. However, I have similar symptoms as yours two months ago. Mucus occasionally in stool and sometime by itself which lasts for 6 to 8 hours every time I use the restroom and then subsides. I had a colonoscopy and my doctor sees very minor inflammation on my rectum and right colon. My doctor is not sure if I have crohn however he feels that I am might likely fall into that category. I am now prescribed Canasa and Lialdo and will use soon.

I feel that my symptoms come closest to yours. I was wondering how you are doing now-a-day? I know this is an old thread but was curious if your symptoms have improved and in remission? Are you on any medication? Are you still diagnosed as crohn?

Very curious. Stephanie.