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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    5cm abscess

    Five years of having crohn's and they found my first abscess only 2 cm in July. Looking back at old CT scans they (GI's) said its been there for years just a gas filled one. Then last week went to the E.R. Sunday night, Wednesday night, and Thursday night, finally ending up in the hospital stay...
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    CT Enterography

    I am going for one sometime soon. Have to wait until they call to make an appt. My question is has anyone had one? Is it just like a regular ct scan? I just want to know what I'm getting into.
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    Alright where to start... I just got home from a three day hospital stay. The doctors found a abscess on the outside of my gi track that I have had for over a year now (they looked back on pass ct scans.). However I have been in a really bad flare for the last two months or so. They think that...
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    I really need to vent

    In the almost four years that I have had crohn's I never felt down or sad. I would say I have had a pretty good run in the last four years. However, these last couple of months have really got to me. In May I had only a 3 day hospital stay but after that everything went down hill. In and out of...
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    Help Need info by 11/6/08 10:30am California time

    I know there is a law that is trying to pass that would make every public place need to have public bathrooms but I can not remember the name of it. Congress women Hilda L. Solis will be at my school tomorrow and I thought what a great time to talk to her about it and people with Crohns. But I...
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    Remicade works but now starting Humira

    I have been on remicade for the last two years. It is working great but my veins are not working so well anymore. In two months my doctor want to change me to humira. He says he has never taken anyone off remicade when it is working and put them on humira. I am worried that humira is not going...
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    Picc lines for Remicade

    I have been taking Remicade for just about 2 years now I go every 6 weeks. I have had Crohn's for three years now. The nurses have always told me that its hard to find my veins. I went Wednesday and they had a very hard time. I took just about an hour to get my iv stated. The nurses were...