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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Lom

    Travelling whilst on Remicade?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anybody has travelled whilst on Remicade and in particular is it possible to have an infusion if you are abroad? I'm obviously not expecting the respective country's health systems to pay for it but I think I can afford to pay for one myself, which means if...
  2. Lom

    Pred side effects

    Just wondering if the moon face and acne from the pred decreases when you taper down or do they stay with you until you finally wean off (or maybe even longer)? I wasn't that bothered about it until a couple of people yesterday started commenting on how my face looked fat and round!! Thanks
  3. Lom

    Lactase Enzyme Tablets

    HI guys, Just wondering if anyone takes the Lactase enzyme tablets to counteract a lactose intelorance? And if you do how much success have you had with them? I CAN'T DO WITHOUT CHOCOLATE ANY LONGER!!!!!!
  4. Lom

    Bowel Obstruction?

    Hey Guys, I am a bit concerned at the moment because I think I might have a bowel obstruction. Recently I have been alternating between really watery D or extremely thin stools and bad C. This has been roughly for the last 2 weeks and have only had slight pain relief when I haven't eaten that...