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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Mike58

    Shortness of breath

    I was wondering if anyone has experienced a prolonged shortness of breath after they had a lung infection. My GP thinks the lung infection was brought on by my being on Remicade and Imuran at the same time. I'm also still on 20 mg of Prednisone daily. I had a lung infection over a month ago...
  2. Mike58

    Stomach distesion during a flare?

    I've been in a flare since mid December which I think was caused by tapering down my Prednisone down to 5 mg daily. I had been on 40 mg since last July. I had to increase my Prednisone back up to 20 but am now dealing with a distended gut. I have had 6 bm today, all very loose as usual, so...