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  1. Becky


    I really think I need to change my diet. I have been looking into the SCD but there are some many of the "good" foods that I can not eat. I have no idea what I would eat.
  2. Becky

    What do you eat?

    I want to change my diet to see if it helps. On top of all the foods I can not eat do to the crohns, I am also a picky eater. I pretty much only eat chicken, occasionally have red meat but not much. Breakfast and snack ideas are the hardest to come up with.
  3. Becky

    Take Steps walk

    Do you guys participate? If so how do you fundraise? I am having a hard time with that. Right now I am having a FB auction but really only getting family to participate. I know a lot of people fundraise at work but I am the only employee so that doesnt work. Just looking for some ideas! Thanks
  4. Becky

    Colonoscopy-take 2

    colonoscopy-take 2 I had one last month and the prep didnt work enough so I have to do it again on friday. My Dr is having me do a 2 day prep this time. The fun starts tomorrow afternoon. It is going to be a fun 2 days at work not being able to eat realy food :( Just thought I would have a...
  5. Becky

    Gas & bloating

    gas & bloating I am gasy and bloated all the time. It doesnt seem to matter what I eat. I have taken gas x and it doesnt work. Does anyone else have this issue? Have you found anything that helps?
  6. Becky

    Eating healthy

    eating healthy I want to lose a few pounds but it is hard with a restricted diet. I can only eat so much chicken! I cant eat wheat bread/pasta or most veggies. I have pretty much given up red meat. I can eat super lean but thats it. So I have lots of chicken and ground turkey. I do not...
  7. Becky

    Learning what to eat is hard...

    You would think after 4 1/2 yrs I would be doing better. Yesterday I had a bagel w/ cream cheese for breakfast and turkey/cheese with crackers for lunch. I also had watermelon. I felt great after lunch. No gas at all! Today I had english muffin with an egg. Then turkey & cheese wrap and I am SO...
  8. Becky

    Healthy snacks

    healthy snacks I am looking for healthy snack options. Sometimes I can eat fruits and sometimes I cant. I am getting bored with pretzels and crackers. What do you eat???
  9. Becky


    bummed This is just a vent. The Dr office were I get my remicade is no longer taking my insurance. I use to go to a hospital to get it but then I had to pay 10% so switched. Now I have no idea where i am going to get it. I am waiting on a call back from my GI. I hope they have another Dr...
  10. Becky


    probiotic What do you take? I want to start taking one and am look for a not too expensive one. Thanks
  11. Becky

    6mp & sleep issues?

    I have not been sleeping well lately. I toss and turn all night. Could this be related to starting 6mp?
  12. Becky

    6 mp questions

    I am starting them today and I have a few questions for experienced 6mp takers! What time of day do you take them? Do I take both pills at same time? Do you drink while on them? What side effects have you experienced? Thank you!
  13. Becky

    6mp in the near future

    Looks like I am going to have to start it. I was hoping that I would be I am still having issues. Remicade alone isnt doing it. I was on entocort for about 2 yrs and my Dr doesnt want me on it long term. Remicade and 6mp together scare me a bit but I guess if it will get me better than that is...
  14. Becky


    why is it that I can eat a sausage mcmuffin with no problem but a homemade egg and cheese sandwich goes right thru me??? Breakfast is my hardest meal.
  15. Becky


    I currently get remicade every 6 wks. Up until about a month ago I was on entocort as well. I had tried going off entocort several times with no luck. If this last time didnt work my Gi was going to start me on 6mp. For the most part everything has been fine. I have a day here and there when...
  16. Becky

    A little bummed

    a little bummed I am on Remicade every 6 wks. I was also on entocort but the Dr had me tapering off. I am on week 2 without it and am having a few issues. I am due for remicade next week so I am going to wait it out until then. I see my GI the same day. If i cant go off the entocort he wants...
  17. Becky

    Whats for dinner?

    whats for dinner? I am having a hard time with dinner. If I eat a normal size meal I feel like I need to throw up afterwards. I have been tryign to eat smaller meals but then I get hungry or wake up starving. Also almost everything I eat for dinner gives me horrible gas & bloating. So my...
  18. Becky

    Tapering entocort

    My Dr is having me, once again, try to taper off entocort. I am 1 week in and doing good! 1 more week and I drop to 1 pill! I hope it works this time!!
  19. Becky


    entocort Those who have been on it. What was the longest period of time on it? I saw my GI yesterday and we are once again trying to taper me off after almost 2 yrs on. Everytime i have tried in the past I start to flare. He bumped my remicade to every 6 wks hoping that would help. If I...
  20. Becky

    CAT scan today

    I am having a catscan this afternoon. I am starting to get nervous about it. Not the procedure but the results. I really hope it is just inflammation.