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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Terriernut

    Stoma Support: Good advice for you!

    Here is a requested thread for good advice for new or old members to post. I'll sticky it so it's at the top. Come on everybody, post your advice whether it be for rings, odour control, favourite manufacturer, longer wear advice, whatever you think could help everyone. :ycool:
  2. Terriernut

    Happy Birthday 'Stan'

    Two years old today. This year better be his last! Happy stomaversary Stan, you saved my life. You trash talking obnoxious big attitude boy!
  3. Terriernut

    Ostomy supplies/samples contact numbers worldwide

    Hollister: Customer Services freephone: 0800 521377 All Other Departments: 0118 989 5000 Fax: 0118 9775 881 Coloplast: Telephone: 0800 220 622 Convatec: (Stoma Care) UK: 0800 282 254 or Republic of Ireland: 1800 721 721 (Wound...
  4. Terriernut

    I need advice! temp ileostomy to heal fistula

    I am going to move this to the stoma subforum to see if you get more responses. Lots of us over there dealing with the same issues!!
  5. Terriernut

    Saved by Tegaderm!

    Had a nasty one yesterday. Blowout to the left center of the appliance. At work! Saved by tegaderm! Couldnt change, too public! Patched it with tegaderm and it lasted for the hour I needed. I only have the little patches of Tegaderm that I got off of Amazon, so not the proper rolls of...
  6. Terriernut


    Ok, I'm wicked. My partner Grahame is a farter. And sometimes, well, it makes me a bit cranky. On the way home from Lincoln tonight...I burped my bag in the enclosed car. Timed perfecly (in the dark) and in a traffic jam so no air ventilation to speak of!!! It was ghastly....payback is a...
  7. Terriernut

    Rut row!

    The IBD nurse was chasing me!! (sadly it wasnt a nice looking Apparently when they put me on 100 mg of 6MP and I did my first blood work at the higher dose, it didnt go well with the results. She wouldnt give me the results...just told me to stop for a couple of days and then try the...
  8. Terriernut

    Great...Now I'm FAT!!!???

    And I'm beginning to wonder.....very little comes out but the big D. I woulda thought that the 6MP wouldve sorted that?? But...I am gaining 2 pounds almost daily!! And I'm NOT eating that much. Yes, even over Christmas. I'm no longer on pred so thats not it. HUGE belly too! Is it time for...
  9. Terriernut

    Great...NOW I'm FAT!!

    And I'm beginning to wonder.....very little comes out but the big D. I woulda thought that the 6MP wouldve sorted that?? But...I am gaining 2 pounds almost daily!! And I'm NOT eating that much. Yes, even over Christmas. I'm no longer on pred so thats not it. HUGE belly too! Is it time...
  10. Terriernut

    One Year Ago Today

    I was wondering if I would live to see Christmas Day. I was waiting and waiting for the emergency op, for 3 days. Finally at 5.30PM they wheeled me down to theatre. I felt so alone. I'd never had surgery really. Just minor things. Nothing major. I didnt know if they were going to have to...
  11. Terriernut

    What is the best medication for strictures?

    I admit it, I'm not the best on the meds for Crohns. Because I was just diagnosed officially, I'm not that clever with what medication is best for certain manifestations of this crap disease!! :ybatty: So, my transverse colon feels a mess. The pred has helped but I cant stay on that forever...
  12. Terriernut

    Where is everyone?

    Cindy posted this a few months back. And I'm wondering where everyone is? I am hoping all of you are sooooo enjoying life that you are busy. I'm also wondering if I should disappear if thats the issue? Come out come out where ever you are......?
  13. Terriernut

    Fatigue hit me like a brick 6MP

    Woah...been 3 weeks on 6mp. First blood test was Friday morning, no results yet. Today at work 2pm sharp, overwhelming fatigue. Like someone give me toothpicks to keep my eyes open fatigue. Other than a few headaches here and there, I seem to be fine. Dreams are interesting. Now if only...
  14. Terriernut

    6MP and Flu Vacinations

    Hi! I'm currently in a flare and am taperining at 25mg of pred. GI wants me on 6MP ASAP...but my flu vacination is on the 15th of October! Should I wait to start the 6MP until a few days after the flu shot??? I dont need to get real sick right now, I'm recovering from parastomal hernia...
  15. Terriernut

    Things to do before surgery...for ladies!!

    Ladies, here's a list of things I WISH I had done before I had my first surgery for Crohn's! It will sound as if I'm a vain twit...but I assure you I'm not. I'm more of a tomboy. But I am PRACTICAL!! 1. Get waxed. If you dont, trust me your leg hair will be 1 inch long before you know it...
  16. Terriernut

    Parastomal Hernia Repair Surgery

    I'm booked in for the 7th of September. I've gotten a HUGE hernia, as in over 12 inches. Anyone with any experience of this surgery? I've heard it's not always very successful!??
  17. Terriernut

    IPoo app!!

    iPoo app!! Yes, I had to put this one on here...for those of you who have Iphones, there is an iPoo application. Its a social networking application, and I cant believe it, but for us...perfect! :ylol:
  18. Terriernut

    Parastomal Hernia Surgery

    Is finally booked. 7th of September. Ollie will no longer have his own Post Code and voting card. He's asked for a passport, but I told him no, it's too expensive. So I'm killing the big bastard off!!! :evil:
  19. Terriernut


    Ok, my idjit GI has given me mesalsazine suppositories. Problem is, they are HUGE. And they arent soft, they are proper horse pills! And since it's not been in use with a stoma, obviously, it's very, erm, dry. I cant think what the hell HE'S thinking!!! I mean, it's like shoving a rock up...
  20. Terriernut

    Beat this!!

    Ok...ladies, can you beat this leak? I'm in the hairdressers. I go like once a year. I decided to get blonde highlights, as without alot of sun in these Isles, I've gone that mousy blonde color hair. Eerrgh! Also, since alot hair has fallen out, it was time to trim, I could sit on my hair...