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  1. scottsma

    Weather or Not ?

    There are Valentine cards in the shops and Cadburys Cream Eggs on the shelves !!!! I was tempted,I have to say,but not with the cards' Pretty boring weather,calm and cool with weak sunshine.Snow is still on the cards for next week but they've been saying that since mid July hahaha
  2. scottsma

    Gall Bladder Polyps...waiting for Op.

    I have a Gall Bladder polyp,which was dx'd by chance during recent IBD tests. My GI suggests my G.B. is removed to be on the "safe side" I am waiting for an apt.with the surgeon to discuss the procedure. I've been doing some research online,mostly on UK sites and on this forum.A lot of people...
  3. scottsma

    Is Pednisolone to blame ?

    I'll try to keep this short.Dx'd 2006 with proctitis via sigmoidoscopy.Have managed reasonably well with asacol supps,apart from urgency and short periods of flaring every few months.Colonoscopy in Sept.14,( after blood showed up in annual bowel cancer test).Lower bowel all clear,but mild...
  4. scottsma

    Prednisolone UK

    I have just started a 4wk course of Prednisolone 30mg daily tapering to 5mg. I suffer from lower back ache and usually take 2 Solpadine twice daily. Would this be OK ? I would settle for my prescribed co-codamol but they're not as good or quick for helping the pain...
  5. scottsma

    Turmeric supplements,do they help ???

    Has anyone had positive results from taking Turmeric and if so,what are they.? Like most things ,I understand it is better to use fresh rather than supplements,but the latter suits me better.Also,I know it is beneficial to take black pepper with it. I'm hoping it will help my IBD issues and...
  6. scottsma

    Boswellia for Arthritis

    Has anyone had any positive results using Boswellia for Arthritis ?I have bad side effects with Tramadol etc and I am using Paracetamol and "occasional"codeine when needed.I have read possitive reports on-line,but also side effects including D. and heartburn.Any advice would be appreciated.
  7. scottsma

    Anyone had positive results from Tramadol

    I have been prescribed Tramadol 50mg 1 twice a day for Arthritis.The Doc wants me to go for a blood test in 2wks to check liver function and said I may feel light headed.I read the instructions and also had a look on-line,at possible side affects,and quite honestly,I'm worried.I just wondered if...
  8. scottsma

    Baobab Superfruit Powder

    Just wondered if anyone has tried this or is currently using it.It has 2x more calcium than milk,6x more potassium than bananas,6x more vit.C than oranges,2x more antioxidents than goji berries and 6x more antioxidents than blueberries.I would be interested to know if it has made a difference in...
  9. scottsma


    newbie hi,just wanted to say hello and thankyou all for being there,although I know we'd all rather be somewhere else.I was diagnosed with u.c. proctitis in 2006.Have used asacol supps.for maintenance since then.when I stop ,I flare.I have discomfort,urgency a lot of the time and try to be...