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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    I feel like the worst mom ever today...

    Im new to the forum, I am also new to chrons. I will include her in my prayers.
  2. B

    My tale

    my tale I am on endocort, I have little pain and yestersay I had another colonscopy. My imflamation is almost gone but still have diaherra. I stay away from caffiene, no tomatoe based products or tomatoes, pork of any kind sets me off. and I dont drink mik. Margarine and oils are bad. Basically...
  3. B

    My tale

    I started getting sick in 1993, my first husband had died in a car wreck so they blamed it on nerves. I continued to get worse, so I went to a specialist in 1997 after passing out in my sisters bathroom. He told me I was depressed and to get over it. So in 2001 I went for a hysterectomy , I got...