I started getting sick in 1993, my first husband had died in a car wreck so they blamed it on nerves. I continued to get worse, so I went to a specialist in 1997 after passing out in my sisters bathroom. He told me I was depressed and to get over it. So in 2001 I went for a hysterectomy , I got so sick they thought it was cancer, went to another specialist. He said it was CDIFF, treated me and told me to stay on immodium. I did as he said. In 2010 I was up to 9 immodium aday. I went to another specialist who told me it was nothing but surface colitis deal with it 9 immodium is nothing. Over the course I have lost and gained weight, lost blood in my stool. have low vit d, Have the diaherra every day, unless I dont eat, and I have lost bowel control more than I care to admit. And the pain sometimes is real bad. So I got mad and went to one more specialist, I walked in said if you are going to tell me im depressed I am leaving, I am happily remarried and I am not depressed. If you are going to do a colonoscopy I am leaving. LOL. Since I went to this dr he did a ton of tests, one being a capsule endoscopy. and a test for chrons, the scope showed ulcer, and the blood work positive. Now I can heal, I hope.