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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. D

    What does BM mean? I'm confused!

    i feel like im a part of the crohns community now I know the lingo cheers
  2. D

    Not sure I'm doing enough!

    We were diagnosed at roughly the same time weirdly enough but because she is constantly doing research on our conditions she thinks I should be doing the same but because I'm not she thinks I dont care but it's not as simple as that.....or is it? Am I the only one who hasn't automatically...
  3. D

    What does BM mean? I'm confused!

    Ah that makes sense thanks.
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    Not sure I'm doing enough!

    I was officially diagnosed with crohns about amonth or so ago and am currently taking 9mg of entocort a day orally, at first I wanted to know all about it and was keen to get the ball rolling with a healthy eating life style and getting better but after doing a fair bit of research I grew tired...
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    What does BM mean? I'm confused!

    I've read allot of peoples threads talking about BM's and having BM's quick question what is a BM?
  6. D

    Cramping, Kickstarts and Juicing?

    Thanks for all the advice I really appreciate it!
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    Cramping, Kickstarts and Juicing?

    Thanks for the advice Jenny I'll have a look into that have you ever tried juicing? x
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    Cramping, Kickstarts and Juicing?

    Thanks Bid once again you've come through for me. Can Mebeverine be taken with all crohns related meds do you know?
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    Cramping, Kickstarts and Juicing?

    this might be a typical silly question from a newly diagnosed crohns sufferer but does anyone have any ideas or tips on how to ease cramping in the lower abdomen??? Also can anyone recommend any good crohns websites to give me a bit of guidance to help to kickstart a plan of action? One more...
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    Im going to see what meds ill be on tomorrow

    Oh thanks bid as long as im aware of some of the things i might be up against i feel it helps with the anxiety and anticipation I hope you're on a good run at the moment health wise cheers again.
  11. D

    Been told i have crohns

    ok i've just written that all down and will be asking the doc to check these levels for me thanks alot AB thats a massive help i was only diagnosed at the end of last week so i havent been given a course of meds yet but ill let you know what im taking when i find out im worried about going on...
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    Im going to see what meds ill be on tomorrow

    im going to see what meds ill be on tomorrow I''ve got an appointment to see what meds ill be taking for the forseeable and i've read quite a few stories about side effects and was wondering what kind of things i should expect??? Is there a chance I will start seeing pink elephants break...
  13. D

    Had MRI scan yesterday...

    maybe youve had a reaction to the dye? get your mum to contact the MRI department ASAP to let them know whats happening. All the best. Kip i had to take clean prep before my colonoscopy and it wasnt too bad a little discomfort while going to the toilet but nothing serious. Good luck for your scan.
  14. D

    Been told i have crohns

    I understand that its something i will learn to come to terms with and live with im just looking for tips on how do deal with the initial reactions of finding out i have crohns and any useful info i can get on how to go about finding what foods trigger the flare ups.
  15. D

    Been told i have crohns

    thanks polar after all the morbid stuff ive been hearing its a nice change to hear something positive. I realise i have to start thinking differently and my girlfriend has been amazing with researching crohns as ive found it difficult to get my head around but reading peoples views and tips who...
  16. D

    Colonoscopy Prep?

    i had my colonoscopy last week id advise you not to eat anything at all thats solid i had ice lollies the day before my procedure as they dissolve into a liquid inside you that might help a little with the hunger it took my mind off of it a little, as for the colonoscopy i was sudated but not...
  17. D

    Been told i have crohns

    been told i have crohns i was diagnosed with crohns last week after a terrible few months of bloating, diarreah, heartburn and generally feeling depressed about how run down and ill i both felt and looked. I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy the other week and was told by the doctor doing the...