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  1. C

    6MP & colds

    SO i think i am coming down with my first cold in about a year. And the first since being diagnosed & taking all of these immuno-suppressant drugs. I am currently taking 6MP, stopped remicade about 3 months ago. Just wondering what i am in for, and if any one has any recommendations on what i...
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    Remi Update***

    Hi Flea - sorry to hear you are not feeling well But it is interesting to hear how you are doing after switching to 6MP only. The long term effect of all drugs kind of freak me out. But I have learned to deal with it since being diagnosed, I would rather live as full of life as possible now...
  3. C

    Remi Update***

    Is Imuran the one that is the same as 6MP? I always get all these drugs confused If so, I think the difference might be that you were on the Imuran alone prior to starting the Remicade & it wasnt working, so they added on the remi. I would think, although I am def not a doctor, that if remicade...
  4. C

    Remi Update***

    Hey Everyone - Just wanted to give you an update on my remicade treatments. I had posted in the remicade club thread about how my Dr. was going to take me off remicade after 6 mths of treatent & then keep me on 6MP only. I originally had been on both. He called this a top-down approach, most...
  5. C


    can you take short term disability? Most large companies should have insurance set up for this. (in which case you would be paid some for your time off as well) Just a thought & something to look into Good luck
  6. C

    Remicade Club Support Group

    COngratulations everyone !! i dont take anything before. I think the benadryl etc is more cautionary then anything, not a necessity. As far as i have seen no one in the IBD infusion center that i go to (Mt. SInai in NY) has ever taken anything. So if it has a negative/drowsy effect on you, I...
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    How about a drink

    when i was really sick, I would have an occasional glass of wine or 2 & would pay for it dearly, during & that i'm on Remicade & feeling great for the most part I can drink with the best of them!! Remicade has really worked miracles for me, for the most part its like nothing is...
  8. C

    Remicade Club Support Group

    i am on 6MP as well as Lilada. I am doing the new step-down approach - so Remicade & 6MP were given to me early on in the game. I think the plan is to stay on remicade for about 6 months when the 6MP should be working fully & then take me off the Remicade as well as the Lialds & hopefully will...
  9. C

    Holding a Regular Job???

    i work full time - fairly high pressure job - on average i would say about 55 hours a week. I was very fortunate when i first got sick (less then a year ago) my bosses were very understanding of what was going on. I pushed through a lot of days & sometimes the distraction was good for me Now...
  10. C

    Stomach Bloating

    Ha Agent - it IS miraculously gone every morning & yet comes right back once ive had breakfast & there for the rest of the day - its a never ending cycle!!!!
  11. C

    Stomach Bloating

    Does anyone else have issues with serious stomach bloat? Since starting the remicade i feel pretty healthy & dont really have any dietary restrictions. The only issue is my stomach distends quite a bit, especially after i eat. No pain, Just very puffy. It looks like i am a good 5 months...
  12. C

    Remicade Club Support Group

    My next treatment is Dec 4!
  13. C

    May be starting Remicade

    Personally - I have never been given benadryl or anything else before my treatments so i have never had any issues with drowsyness I always get my treatments first thing in the morning & go straight to work afterwards for the rest of the day - no problem I am not a doctor but I think the...
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    Remicade Club Support Group

    Started my treatments In June 08 - had my last loading dose about 5 weeks ago Next one is in 3 weeks (8 week intervals) This stuff it amazing - It started working within hours of my first dose & i now feel like there is nothing wrong with me (remission???) i secretly like the 3 hour treatments -...
  15. C

    I finally start Remicade Friday!

    Hi i just started Remicaid about 5 weeks ago & it is awesome.........i honestly forget sometimes that i even have this disease!!! i hope it works well for you as well as for the loading doses there are 3 given over 6 weeks before you go to the normal interval of every 8 weeks second does is 2...
  16. C

    How do you feel?

    when i feel normal, which is now & it is fabulous, i go into a kind of denial I start thinking maybe I dont really have this disease & i can stop taking all the drugs & I will be fine Then i remember 3 weeks ago, what i felt like before i started the remicade & realize thats probably not the case!
  17. C

    First Remicade Update

    Thanks! - I dont think i had any side effects - at least nothing i can attribute driectly to the remicade & im still feeling great!! i had a great labor day weekend & was able to eat all the fun stuff i have been afraid of in the past!
  18. C

    First Remicade Update

    Hi All - I had my first Remicade treatment yesterday. Other then having to sit there for 3 hours it was a painless experience I was feeling pretty crappy on Wed & actually feel quite a bit better. Not sure if its the remicade thats making me feel better since it is supposed to take a lot longer...
  19. C

    Sick of telling my story

    My pet peave are the people (most notably my mother...grrrr) who think that this disease can be treated with diet alone & being on pills will only hurt you in the long run. I just started remicade (top-down approach) & have absolutely no intention of telling her!!! my opinion has become that...
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    My BF's Bachlorette Party next w/end

    Thanks for all the words of support!! I leave tomorrow morning...wish me luck!! Ill let u know how it goes!