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  1. Paulah28

    Make your own electrolyte drink

    Not sure about the baking Soda but I will give it a try. Thanks for the info.
  2. Paulah28

    Stoma Active Appliance Change Help

    I have had luck with eating 3 of the large marshmellows about 20 minutes before I change the bag. It helps stop things from flowing long enough to take my time and not as much mess.
  3. Paulah28

    Balloon dilation?

    Bank in January I had a colonoscopy b/c of a lit of pain right under my rib cage. My dr said that my intestin had collapsed and bent so there were 3 or balloon dilation. Since I had already gone through 8 surgeries for this wonderful disease we opted for the balloon. That...
  4. Paulah28

    Crohn's Disease and Hysterectomy?

    I had a partial back in September and they ended up daing it laproscopocally luckily. They were not sure they would beable to do it that way since I had SO much scar tissue. I was back to work in 13 days and feeling GREAT. With all the operations I have had to go through and there have been too...
  5. Paulah28

    Can't Sleep

    Hey guys....thanks for the info. I will stop with the vic/tylenol combo. My GI is on vacation but I see him on Wednesday and will ask about the sleep aid. Until then I think I will just take the tylenol pm and keep my fingers crossed.
  6. Paulah28

    Can't Sleep

    I had not thought of that. I take it at the same time I take all the other meds...after dinner. Should I skip tonights dose and jus take it in the morning?
  7. Paulah28

    Can't Sleep I am on pred once again but this problem has been on going long before I started this pred taper. Ye sit has gotten a lot worse with the pred but I cannot take it anymore. I have not slept in what feels like weeks. Due to pain I can take Vicoden which seems to contribute to not...
  8. Paulah28


    I saw my dr last week due to another flare. I have been on entocort for over 2 years and ended up in the ER with AMAZING pains. They thought it was an obstruction so after tons of antibiotics and pain meds they let me go home. My dr is now talking about changing my meds which Iunderstand but I...
  9. Paulah28

    Stopping Entocort Cold Turkey

    I am not sure of the difference. Right now I am in the midst of a flare so my dr has me on 40mg of pred and continuing the 3mg of entocort every day. I am scared to get off entocort but if I have been on it for 2 years and now am having a flare then maybe it is not working anymore. He is talking...
  10. Paulah28

    Surgery Question: ER or Elective?

    My first was emergency. Earlier in the day I had a colonoscopy and when the dr was pulling the scope out he sliced open my intestine and did not know about it. I had been through colonoscopys before so I know something was wrong. I just grabbed a heating pad nad went to bed. At 4am when I could...
  11. Paulah28

    Stopping Entocort Cold Turkey

    I do not mean to take this thread but I have been on Entocort for over 2 years and there is no talk of getting off of it. In fact when I had to quit cold turkey due to money issues I was in so much pain. I hear most of you talking about tapering off of it and not I am concerned that I have been...
  12. Paulah28

    Bone Density/Age Test

    I am sorry if this a little off topic but I am going to have a hysterectomy in a few month and am trying to decide to have the overies taken out as well. My GI does not want me to due to Bone Density but my GYN does. What would you suggest and why? I jsut assume have them taken out but am not...
  13. Paulah28

    People with a stoma...

    I had an ilistomy for 3 months and can definately remember the initial pain of passing. Even though the nerve are cut so you do not feel it there is still a painful sensation. It will pass though. Just be careful of the bag leaking. I had a lot of external pain also due to leakage.
  14. Paulah28

    Sex/Intimacy and Issues about my body

    In reading all of these posts it is obvious we all have a lot in common and not just the fact we have this disease. Many of us have horrible looking scars. It has taken me over a year to be able to even look at my stomcah and see what the doctors have left me. The one thing that helps keep me...
  15. Paulah28

    My husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY

    Wow Hearts it definately sounds like we have a lot in common. We are working on things but I do not hold high hope at this point. My one piece of advise it just to take things one at a time, one day at a time. That seems to be working okay for me. Keep in touch I wish you the best.
  16. Paulah28

    My husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY

    I forgot one of the worst things right now is that I have not had a chance to get meds since Wednesday and now I cannot afford them until Friday so I am putting myself on a liquid diet which really stinks.
  17. Paulah28

    My husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY

    Hey guys....I am writing this from my apartment. Things were CRAZY this past week and to be honest I am not sure when they will calm down. I am not going to get into the details but the most importnat thing is that the boys and I are okay. What really stinks is that it is my older boys bday...
  18. Paulah28

    Hysteroctomy and CD

    hysteroctomy and CD I just got back from my GYN and due to a new diagnosis from her of Pelvic Conjuctive Syndroms she is talking to me about a hysterctomy...I REALLY do not want to go through another operation but I hope this one will have positive results. I am just nervous because I am not...
  19. Paulah28

    Major Diet Options

    I was always told that fruit and veggies were bad for us. I love them and miss them like crazy but am scared. Are they ok? I only enjoy them fresh and not steamed but I am scared.
  20. Paulah28


    I only wish the headaches were tension but I have been getting them everyday. Well I suppose there is still that possibility I will know when I leave. I am going to look into the meds also though just to rule out something. I have told him and I do not really know if he believes me. The day...