Crohn's Disease and Hysterectomy?

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Oct 1, 2009
I was informed by my OBGYN that I need to have a Hysterectomy done, After many tests they have figured out that my Uterus is no longer working properly and it is seriously hindering my anemia. They have scheduled it for May 19th, but my question is, How painful is the recovery and will having Crohns make the recovery more painful? I am currently in semi remission, not a whole lot of pain for the past two months and all my scans and test are looking pretty good, so they want to do the Hysterectomy while I am not flaring, Still kind of worried about it all though, any Ladies that have had to have one done, with or without Crohns, any advice would be helpful and appreciated.
I have not had this done, but hope you get the answers and support you're looking for on here :) Best of luck with the whole thing!

Hiya Angee

Having it changed my life forever and ever!! I have no regrets whatsoever!
Long story short
I had been symptomatic for 15-20 years, told I had IBS, put up with it, saw a gynae, had endos and fibros, had hysterectomy in 2001, Crohns dx in 2005.
I had very painful periods and blood loss every month, plus Crohns symptoms which I didnt know about at the time. Gynae said everything was stuck together in there, ie, bowels stuck to uterus etc, quite a car crash, no wonder I was in agony!
Anyway, I truly believe that having it defo reduced my Crohns, and it's the best thing I've ever done, no periods and no PMS, Bloody bliss!
I asked for all of it to go, uterus, ovaries and cervix, cos why have em? only to become diseased and shrivelled up later on in life! Gynae said he'll just take the ovaries, I said 'no, cos it's like having a bike with no wheels!!'
But he didn't laugh!
I'm on HRT now and loving it.
The op was major, but recovery was ok, took 3 months to fully heal, and I stayed off work for 6 months in total.
Any questions, Angee, you can PM me
I had an ablation due to severe endo. My right ovary and fallopian tube was removed cause I had an orange sized cyst on my ovary. They thought that it was the cause of my bowel problems because my cecum was inflammed. But when they removed my ovary the symptoms remained. Wonder if that started my Crohns. Anyways my dr did an ablation to help with Crohns and endo. I think it has.
I had a partial back in September and they ended up daing it laproscopocally luckily. They were not sure they would beable to do it that way since I had SO much scar tissue. I was back to work in 13 days and feeling GREAT. With all the operations I have had to go through and there have been too many I am actually happy I had to have this one.

I think it all depends on how they do the operation. I have severe crohns but since having the hyster I actually feel much better and can focus on the crohns more. It took one problem away and with the lovely disease we all have lightening the load is always a great thing.
I had an ablation and then needed a hysterectomy about 6 mos later. The relief was immediate. No more bleeding or oozing 24/7. But I still have crohns and suffer with that. I am glad I did the hyst. b/c I used to get bloated and miserable with cramps and always had bowel problems around period time.
I had a total hysterectomy last year, open abdominal incision, about 10 cm long. Recovery was a breeze, I was out for walks by day 8 doing crunches by 6 weeks. It ended up I had ovarian cancer, so I had to get chemo afterwards. My crohn's never flared once in a whole year. My problem was scar tissue (strictures) that made "going" very difficult. You may find that having a uteris missing causes lack of bowel support, and it's tricky to get your bowels into some sort of "normal" state. Good luck, it really wasn't a bad experience.

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