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  1. AJC - Australia

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    Hey Everyone - i thought I would post this - hope it helps someone… fatigue has definitely got worse for me … lately i have been taking guarana, it is plant based….check it out… doesnt affect me like caffeine does, if i drink coffee(for example) i need to go to the loo straight away…for me...
  2. AJC - Australia

    How much does fatigue affect you?

    fatigue has definitely got worse for me … lately i have been taking guarana, it is plant based….check it out… doesnt affect me like caffeine does, if i drink coffee(for example) i need to go to the loo straight away…for me, not so with gurana….i take it as a powder in a smoothie with a...
  3. AJC - Australia

    Accepting that you have Crohns

    HI Dan, I went through this….it is normal. google the 'stages of trauma'….i am a writer and have written extensively about this….it has been published in magazines…….long story short, you are getting closer to acceptance and it WILL take time. Years even. Very very hard to accept that you have...
  4. AJC - Australia

    Smoking....bad or good!?

    smoking weed is good for guts, smoking cigarettes/tobacco is BAD for guts….it is proven to be bad for crohns………so, give them up is the logical progression if you want to be as well as you can.
  5. AJC - Australia

    Are you underweight + fatigued? This could help

    thanks mate. The questran has definietly helped….do you take that? since you had your gallbladder out? I had a look into steatorrhea…. and i see what you mean, but i think what they tested for was a different sort of fats….i know the type of stool you mean, the oily fatty one - it isnt like...
  6. AJC - Australia

    Are you underweight + fatigued? This could help

    It is an ongoing battle, for sure Mandy. The SCD diet works quite well for me….basically meat and 3 vege, avoiding breads, grains, sugar and processed foods. The fats test is worth getting, where they analyse your stool, because then at least you KNOW you are not absorbing the fats and you can...
  7. AJC - Australia

    Are you underweight + fatigued? This could help

    I am 39 male (5foot 9) and have had crohns for over 20 years now….three surgeries and also the gallbladder was taken out. Recently I have been looking into what I can do to put on weight (i havent been over 60kg since I have had crohns) and also looking at fatigue and what I can do about it. I...
  8. AJC - Australia

    Picking your nose - good bacteria?

    i wonder if anyone with Crohns DOES eat their bogeys, is really what this post is about….i mean imagine if we couldn't find a person with Crohns that does??????????
  9. AJC - Australia

    Picking your nose - good bacteria?

    I often wonder why i got crohns, but my brother with the same genetics and upbringing did not. I can think of nothing we did differently….except, he picks his nose and eats it! Sound gross? Well, what if everyone who has crohns thinks the same? What if eating your bogeys is actually good for...
  10. AJC - Australia

    Research into MAP as the cause of Crohn's

    great video - that bird knows her stuff.
  11. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    This is great news….has JHT tested any healthy people?
  12. AJC - Australia

    For crohns people over the age of 30

    OK… the update. The stool test indicated that I have five times the amount of certain fats, in my stool. That means that the fats are not being digested, which also indicates that other things are not being digested. SO - the doctor suggested a very simple and strict SCD diet…..quite simple and...
  13. AJC - Australia

    For crohns people over the age of 30

    hey I got some Guarana powder recently and two teaspoons of that in water is WHOA, yeah, it works…..I got it from a health food store, they ordered some in….def worth a try. I get all the other stool and blood test results back this Weds and will report my findings here on the fatigue stuff.
  14. AJC - Australia

    For crohns people over the age of 30

    hi everyone…i am having a few more tests, blood and stool tests before the doctor advises what I can do to help these things……but yes, exercise and bone impact stuff is good for bone density, as are vitamin K and D… I will advise after I have been advised, as to what things can be done. pretty...
  15. AJC - Australia

    For crohns people over the age of 30

    Another thing worth checking is the elasticity in your arteries. Long term cortisone use and long term prescription medication can harden the arteries and there is things you can do to help that.
  16. AJC - Australia

    For crohns people over the age of 30

    I found a new doctor recently who is brilliant. A few things he said I need to share with you. 1) If you havent had your bone density tested, get it done. Many, if not most people with bad crohns get bone loss and there are things you can do to slow it down. 2) If you ever took cortisone...
  17. AJC - Australia

    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Irish Gal, how are you going on the AMAT? Is that an anti boitic against MAP?
  18. AJC - Australia

    Entocort Dependent (Help)

    Most long term crohnies will tell you, avoid sugar. I agree. There is a LOT of sugar in all those fizzy drinks, especially Coke. Coffee is like a laxative for a lot of people, including me. Does it make the crohns worse? Not really, you just need to go to the toilet shortly afterwards...
  19. AJC - Australia

    Entocort Dependent (Help)

    the why me thing seems to come in waves for me……20 years later. You seem to deal with it well for a while, then it hits again and it goes away….very much like the disease itself. Good luck Blittle, not nice getting diagnosed at any time of life, but a moderate case is far better than an extreme...
  20. AJC - Australia

    Research into MAP as the cause of Crohn's

    thanks JMC - very informative. I wonder how long it will be until there is a MAP diagnostic test available to us??? To tell if we have MAP in our bodies…or not. Any news from london?