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    Trial of medication to see if I feel better for undiagnosed?

    Just a quick update for anybody following or looking at this post. My doctor was more then willing to let me try a short trial of prednisone for 6 days at 20 mg. She said with this short of a time span I should have next to no side effects and its perfectly safe so I hope it works because if it...
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    Trial of medication to see if I feel better for undiagnosed?

    Thank you all for your responses, I really enjoyed your input "cat a tonic" it has given me hope that possibly I'm on the right track and that I will find an answer. Nothing has ever been easy for me. They say your chances of getting struck by lightning is like 1 in a million, I would literary...
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    Trial of medication to see if I feel better for undiagnosed?

    Thanks for the responses I really appreciate all the input. So I'm curious what are some of the other diseases that steroids can help? As for the problems I'm having its kind of complicated for many years it was mainly gi related problems such as bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and...
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    Trial of medication to see if I feel better for undiagnosed?

    Yea I figured that would be the route I would have to go. I was just wondering if I could get my gp to let me try something what would be best? But I suppose I should just wait thanks for the reply.
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    Trial of medication to see if I feel better for undiagnosed?

    So I have strong reason to believe I have crohns or some kind of ibd disease. Even though the doctors have not been able to find it I was wondering if there was some kind of treatment or drug I could take for just a couple of weeks to see if I feel better or maybe go into remission all together...
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    Does this sound like crohns?

    After they did the endoscopy my symptoms just got much worse and I developed a bunch of new ones. It could have been just a coincidence like they said but I'm not sure. After they did the procedure and I got home I felt like I had the stomach flu just with out vomiting. First they said it was...
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    Does this sound like crohns?

    I have not seen a specialist in a while. I recently had my thyroid checked out which came back normal. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption but I have not had much luck with the diet. I went for 4 weeks on a very strict bland diet eating mostly chicken, rice, fish, and...
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    Does this sound like crohns?

    I've had gastro problems for years mainly diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, fatigue, brain fog. All my life I dealt with these symptoms and kind of got used to them and thought they where no big deal and kind of normal. But when I turned 18 years old all my symptoms completely disappeared...