Does this sound like crohns?

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Sep 15, 2013
I've had gastro problems for years mainly diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, fatigue, brain fog. All my life I dealt with these symptoms and kind of got used to them and thought they where no big deal and kind of normal. But when I turned 18 years old all my symptoms completely disappeared, just randomly for the better part of a year! And I felt amazing great, no matter what I ate I had no tummy problems I could literally eat a bucket of grease and feel great. I had so much energy and motivation nobody could keep up with me I accomplished more in one year then I did in my whole life. I thought I was just really motivated from graduating from high school but my symptoms slowly started creeping back up on me and now they are worse then ever and I can barely function day to day.

Every day I have extremely painful diarrhea and barely enough energy to get out of bed in the morning, not only that but I have developed lots of nausea and new symptoms that almost make me feel like I constantly have the flu. I always feel like I'm running a low grade temperature.

My question is Does this sound like Crohns? Could it possibly have been in remission for that year and I didn't realize it? I had tons of tests done such as colonscopy, endoscopy, barium x-ray and they have found nothing wrong. I am wondering if possibly they missed crohns or didn't notice it and was wondering if thats common? And if crohns is hard to diagnose? Please any feedback would be great.
Hello admaster99
Sorry to hear u haven't been feeling well lately :hug:

There are many possibilities to what might be wrong with you and your symptoms are similar to IBD but also could be other things.
But what I suggest is that if you are not feeling well it is better to see a dr before your symptoms get worse.

For me I had additional symptoms such as bleeding, vomiting, skin problems. And it took them a year to diagnose me. While it took them much more or less time to diagnose other members of my family so it really depends from person to person.

When was the last time you saw any dr for this issue?
I have not seen a specialist in a while. I recently had my thyroid checked out which came back normal. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption but I have not had much luck with the diet. I went for 4 weeks on a very strict bland diet eating mostly chicken, rice, fish, and potatoes. And didn't notice much of a difference. I think during that whole time frame I had one normal bowel movement. Besides that I find the diet very hard to follow because fructose is in it seems like everything. Also I'm pretty sure fructose malabsorption does not go away or disappear randomly so that doesn't seem to make sense with the relief of symptoms I had for that 1 year period of time. And I have to believe that I can achieve that again because its the only thing keeping me going. As of right now my quality of life sucks. I haven't had a girlfriend in over 5 years and I can't get a decent paying job because I can't perform.

I was recently trying to get into the Mayo Clinic of Rochester but my insurance would not approve, so I will try and go back to University of Iowa which I did not want to do. I was not very impressed with there approach last time I went there and after they did the endoscopy I got really sick which still makes me wonder if they did something wrong.

Thank you for your response.
What happened after your coloniscopy?

And cant you change the dr ? Also once you see the dr its better to share your concerns with them you cant keep on feeling bad and need to do something about it since its already getting worse :)
After they did the endoscopy my symptoms just got much worse and I developed a bunch of new ones. It could have been just a coincidence like they said but I'm not sure. After they did the procedure and I got home I felt like I had the stomach flu just with out vomiting. First they said it was the sedatives that needed to get out of my system but the symptoms never got better. I lost like 25 - 35 lbs within 3 months after the procedure felt really nauseous and sick to my stomach all the time. Developed headaches, vision problems, and aches, tingling sensations, along with trembling. This all went on for 6 months and I just dealt with it til I finally started feeling better. Sadly even now I feel better but I still don't feel right.

And yes I'm going to try and go to a different doctor and see if I have better luck.
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Hi sorry you been so unwell.If i was you i would change your doctor it has taken the doctors around here 15 years to diagnose me and that was only after having diarrhea for 5 months as can get same symtoms with endometriosis which i have so don,t give up keep going back till they listen.I get flu like symptoms when i have food can not tolerate like milk,gluten have a look at what foods affect you if symptoms get worse and write in a diary so you can show the doctor. hope you get some answers soon best of luck
I am really sorry and I know how bad experiences can make you feel afraid of going through them again! But really if you can change your dr do because if you're uncomfortable with the way he is treating you or you don't trust him then you will not get better like that. I really hope you feel better soon and don't give up as boast had said. I always feel like my dr hates the day I started being his patient because I never give up and keep on going back over and over until they listen to me because no one knows me better than myself! :p

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