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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Smokeyjameson

    Can't get pain management

    I'm just needing to vent. Active Crohn's since 91, resectioning in 2001, was in remission until recently. I'm in so much pain and all I keep hearing is "I don't want to put you on narcotics". Allergic to remicade and humira, basically nothing works. I've had dr put me on suboxone (which I read...
  2. Smokeyjameson

    Need help with biopsy report

    Sounds very Crohn's to me. The inflammation and ulceration as well as it's location in the ileum.
  3. Smokeyjameson

    I just want to cry and hide and then cry somemore !

    Sorry like was supposed to say a steroid LIKE prednisone. Your dr may be against it but it is still one of the most popular meds for Crohn's. It helps with pain and inflammation. I would try to find another dr if you can. Can you maybe see a pain Management dr in the meantime?
  4. Smokeyjameson

    Red Flake in Stool (pic included)

    Definitely not blood
  5. Smokeyjameson

    I just want to cry and hide and then cry somemore !

    Have you never been on a steroid lime prednisone?
  6. Smokeyjameson

    No appetite

    I had the surgery in 2000, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was in remission for 14 years after that! I had a decent scar so that sucked but it was low below bikini line. Don't worry just make sure you've got lots of pain meds, and family or friends to help you after. They...
  7. Smokeyjameson

    No appetite

    As far as the weight gain, stress causes weight loss, Crohn's causes a lot of weight loss and of your not eating- I can imagine what's going on. Try to relax, meditate at night I know it sounds silly, for us on getting your pain under control first, because when your debilitated it makes...
  8. Smokeyjameson

    No appetite

    Call your dr and get a prescription for Vicodin or something with Crohn's you need to have something! Also try to find a good pain management dr. Why didn't your dr give you anything?
  9. Smokeyjameson

    Has The Pill Cam Positively Diagnosed Your Crohn's ?

    I had the pill cam test years ago and what they told me was that it did help with diagnosis but was one piece of the puzzle. It can show ulceration etc but will not show the degree of the thickening of the intestine wall, unless there is extreme blockage there. It took an additional upper GI...
  10. Smokeyjameson

    Lonely, Tired, and Depressed

    Hi michael. Sorry to hear you have joined our little club here. I've had Crohn's for 18 years so I know what you are going thru. If they have only done colonoscopys I would ask them to do a endoscopy while your under so they can see everything. As far as your pain on the left side it could be...
  11. Smokeyjameson

    No appetite

    Try foods high in fat to help you gain. Good thing about things like butter is they break down in the stomach so won't irritate the small bowel. Pasta is great too. Carbs and fats- works for me. Good luck. Stay strong