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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. allpurpose

    Thoughts? Do I have Crohn's?

    I don't know what type of situation you are in as far as financial/med insurance but my advice is either start completely over( with new or different testing) with the dr you have ( kind of hard to do) Or find another Dr to do the same. Can't say what is what is going on (not a Dr) but something...
  2. allpurpose

    Constipation with diarhhea

    I have seen this question ask before but wanted to tell my story. Spent the last few days in the hospital. Had to be taken in with the ambulance . Basically been on a downward spiral with diarrhea, extreme pain , weight loss from not eating ,nausea , fatigue , fever ,and finally collapse...
  3. allpurpose

    Antibiotics making things better

    They did find diverticular changes(what they called them) with my CT scan. But said they were not inflamed or infected in any way. :confused: Also have had testing for the c diff along with h pylori and any parasites.
  4. allpurpose

    Antibiotics making things better

    Thanks for the reply Robrich The first antibiotics I took were first a penicillin based one ,and then when that didn't clear up the infection I had, they put me on a sulfa based one (sorry I am not sure the names right now) Just recently for my intestinal issues ( was running a moderate fever)...
  5. allpurpose

    Has anyone been put on antidepressants for possible "phantom pain"?

    nitty already made a good post so I just want to be another voice to say that phantom pain is something that is real . No experience with it from internal surgery but if it happens from amputation out side the body one would have to think it would be the same for inside the body. It sounds like...
  6. allpurpose

    Antibiotics making things better

    Been on antibiotics for the last several days and it seems to be helping with the (commonly called)irritable bowel type symptoms. This also happened a few months ago when I was on them for a month due to an infection non related to my intestinal problems(symptoms returned slowly after about...
  7. allpurpose

    Question about CT scan results

    Right now I am on a antibiotic and pain meds.
  8. allpurpose

    Question about CT scan results

    I guess at this point I am more worried that they go up and look around and say it is all clear (after it looks like they are saying they see something on the CT scan)and I am back to square one. Had everything checked out that they can check with an ultra sound and that came back OK. They also...
  9. allpurpose

    Question about CT scan results

    New to all this and still working on what is really going on with me. Lots of symptoms like everyone here has with my gut over a long time frame. Just recently started to try and get it all looked at. Have had lots of blood work done and stool samples looked at. None of the inflammation markers...