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  1. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    No worries I didn't interpret your post that way at all, I appreciate the concern if anything and your helpful input. I think being underweight is secondary to, as you said eariler, being malnourished and damaging yourself internally. I do take measures to avoid this as much as possible//that is...
  2. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    Because I noticed in the past that eating 'that' food caused adverse effects, when I was better than at present As said I felt okay the other day, the key was eating a bit extra in the daytime. Eating something 'heavy', in the daytime, on top of that dinner will definitely make me feel...
  3. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    Thanks for some of the tips, I do understand how the diet works and that you can have some things but only in moderation and balance. One of my problems is "too much of a nice thing" I confess to having a bit of a sweet tooth, where I don't drink or smoke or anything like that food has always...
  4. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    He may have a point about needing more nutrition for healing than elmination, that's something I've noticed at points I'm not overweight at all, far the opposite the doctors constantly moan that I don't weight anywhere near enough I do use olive oil exclusively, it's a necessity to be honest...
  5. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    But I read that coconut is not low-FODMAP, to be honest I love coconut so that was a bit of a downer.
  6. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    You are right, I was considering something like centrum to help top up anything missing, I also have a nice orange vitamin pill in the morning that seems to provide a bit of a lift
  7. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    The second link had some good info, already have the 1st bookmark'd Thanks :)
  8. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    To be fair, I usually eat equally as much (or little), eating too much makes me feel pretty unwell. Sadly I sometimes binge on food (although it's usually not that unhealthy to be honest) because I was hungry before, but trying to slowly work up to a balance. Upsets are to be expected here and...
  9. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    Please share some of what you eat? It's good someone else is on this diet :thumleft:
  10. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    Ah, see I really can't eat eggs -- definitely not, without feeling really unwell Nuts seem to upset my stomach too I think as said, it's different for everyone
  11. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    Thanks for sharing your experience What do you think you missed that caused malnourishment? I'm trying to use carrots as my sort of bread, I think I do need to eat more of them but seems rounded overall when I have that dinner described above with enough of each thing
  12. javanov

    Auto-Immune Protocol Diet?

    This is a sort of paleo diet, anyone trying it? So far not bad, here's my rough list of foods breakfast: 2-3 small bits pf parsley (just to abate hunger) lunch: a chopped up carrot with a bit of olive oil salt + vinegar (again mostly to abate hunger) dinner: chicken + kale on a bed of...
  13. javanov

    IBD vs IBS

    Get a stool sample done, that's what I'm doing next, it's thus far worked for my brother in advancing his diagnosis
  14. javanov

    IBD vs IBS

    I have similar symptoms to my brother, who has been tested and they found raised calprotectin in his stools and suspect Crohns, he also has had frequent mouth ulcers. Sadly, my doctor works at a snail's pace and has distanced my appointments out as far as possible, then again I have been pretty...
  15. javanov

    Cat's Exercise Diary

    :rof: Dunno how the hell my post ended up here, meant to post it on the forum I think :redface: Hope you are feeling better from the yoga overall :) PS: What type of yoga do you do?
  16. javanov

    Simple low-fibre meals? I'm fed up of eating...

    Well there isn't top medical evidence suggesting it helps active IBD, but they say that a low-FODMAP diet can help stave off a new flare-up. The specific carb diet is another one which I'm sure you are aware of That's nice and I get ya, it's a bit like baby food isn't it? I mean it's nice in a...
  17. javanov

    Simple low-fibre meals? I'm fed up of eating...

    Is it possible to blend them into a smoothie maybe? Of course apples wouldn't be on a FODMAP diet ( which I presume you are on) but the other things you mentioned perhaps? Any sweet tasting food. What I wrote was quite generalized to be honest Yes, chewing does stimulate digestion as well and...
  18. javanov

    Help: constipation or partial obstruction

    Also regarding laxatives, the sort of laxative that might help is something that does stimulate mass movements rahter than bulks up stools, Pico sulfate, cascara and bisacodyl are three types of laxative that do this . They work directly on your muscles to stimulate movement (some medication...
  19. javanov

    Help: constipation or partial obstruction

    Good advice, a bit of fibre is usually helpful but certainly not too much, everything in balance I say. Having nothing with much fibre in it, in a day, is going a bit beyond the 'low-fibre' diet :)
  20. javanov

    Dude, your IBS is not like my crohns!

    I get what you are saying. As you say fistulas are nearly always a sign of IBD, but it's still possible to develop abscesses or fistulas without IBD, although un common of course. Constant constipation or diarrhea can cause great harm to anyone, that's in no way exclusive to IBS sufferers of...