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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. cloud

    How did you get into remission?

    Hi everyone! I haven’t been active here in for a while because I’ve been mostly in remission for the past eight years. I’m curious if anyone else has been in remission long-term and what helped you get there? For me, it’s been a combination of following a carnivore(ish) diet, managing stress...
  2. cloud

    Traveling with Crohn's

    I’ve been in remission for years now but what I’ve found works for me is a low fiber diet on travel days, and packing lots of simple snacks to reduce the temptation for eating trigger foods. Also planning the trip well to avoid stress (eg fixing public restrooms ahead of time before trips). I’ve...
  3. cloud

    Worried about my academic future with Crohn's

    Thanks kikig and Hattie95 so much for your kind suggestions! I will try them out (: I've decided to arrange some meetings with my teachers and principal so that we can work out a plan. My school is aware that I have Crohn's, but I don't think they fully understand the condition. I'm hoping that...
  4. cloud

    Worried about my academic future with Crohn's

    I've just been feeling particularly angsty recently. It seems like every flare simultaneously triggers an existential crisis. I am just about to start my final year of high school and I am scared what the future will hold with going to university etc whilst having Crohn's. At the moment, I am so...
  5. cloud

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    kimmidwife that's great that I'm not alone. I'm checking out the teen's section now :) _aprillll Nice to meet you :) Sorry to hear about your struggle with everything. Crohn's definitely is a long journey; with its peaks and troughs. I can definitely say that the experience of chronic illness...
  6. cloud

    Bone Broth Recipe

    Thanks for the bone broth recipe. I find bone broth is almost magical when I can't keep much food down during a flare. Can't wait to try this recipe!
  7. cloud

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    I did have a Mirena in for a bit over a month and had a horrible experience with it. They put it in at the same time as they did a laparoscopy. I had heavy bleeding for the whole time, migraines that would make me vomit most days, and just constant abdominal cramping. Some nights I'd only get a...
  8. cloud

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    Thanks Muppetgirl for the link that you have included. Everything that you have said has made a great deal of sense! Sorry to see that you have endometriosis. What a nasty disorder to have mixed with GI issues...I hope you are doing okay at the moment! I am not sure what the next step is from...
  9. cloud

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    Hi Emma. Wow we are both 16! That is great to hear that you are asymptomatic at the moment. Thanks for wishing me luck. I am hopeful that I will come into remission soon. I am not happy, but reassured to know that you too among a lot of others are also getting similar gynae problems. It appears...
  10. cloud

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    Thanks a lot 24601 for your kind and thoughtful response. I am very relieved to hear that you are having some luck with methotrexate. Some of the information out there about it is a little bit scary, so it is great to hear from some real people who are fine on it. I'm really sorry to hear about...
  11. cloud

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    Greetings from my throne ;) I have been lurking around here for a while now, and I have finally found the guts to actually write my first post (puns intended). Also I'd like to apologise in advance to any guys who do not wish to hear about my menstrual woes. I'll try to keep it succinct. For...