Move to Ensure liquid or Powder 2 days before travelling. Stick to it while travelling, but I can go eat at a restaurant with family if I stick to Salmon or whitefish. Poached or baked, not fried. And if the only option is battered or crumbed ... remove it asap and get it taken away. Before I nibble and can't stop.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
I use Cholestyramine (I recently switched to an off-brand pill version that works just as well and no longer have to taste the disgusting powder). I take that with me for travelling or to use if I'm going to a wedding or other big party or I'm going to be out and about all day.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Discuss with your doctor the possibility of bringing a supply of cortosteroids + vitamin D & calcium to offset deficiency. These can nip a flare in the bud that would otherwise ruin a vacation. I once got stuck with a flare in Japan and had to source a GI doc locally who prescribed steroids. Not funny and I'm always carrying steroids now when abroad.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Comfortable jumpsuit pants and when you stop at gas stations use the facilities and when you come across a rest stop, use it as well.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
For 10 days before your trip, eat 4 to 6 bananas each day, preferably in one or two meals. In the beginning, your digestive system will seem to be in a rebellion, and produce bloating and gas, but around day 3 or 4, you will find that your Cron's symptoms are starting to recede, and the bloating feeling will gradually stop. By the 10th day, you will feel as if you are in remission. This will continue even if you stop eating the bananas, at least for a day or two. If you maintain the regime, you should not have symptoms. By the way, if you are still hungry after the bananas, just follow your regular diet. I used this method for ten years until I began to use Skyrizi, which has been effective in minimizing my symptoms.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
I have a sunflower lanyard and also bought a card that says I have an unseen condition, which I used to fly with Swissair recently from MCR Airport. I had requested assistance as I also have arthritis, so was taken in a chair. Airport staff are familiar with the lanyard but Swissair seemed less familiar and when I explained I might need the loo urgently as I have a stoma, the attendant didn't know what that was, not sure about other airlines. I took with me a card supplied and signed by my stoma nurse and had to show it in German to explain, so this might be helpful abroad as it has several languages. However before I flew I had called the airline customer services and they agreed I could take extra weight in the cabin bag, and they had also booked assistance for me, it is important this is done well before the flight. I also got pulled over in Switzerland at security coming back and taken aside in a curtained off area where I was asked by a female (as I am) to show the top of the bag so they could swipe it with a wand. All very politely done. So expect that may happen.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Yes. I got rid of Crohn’s by culturing Dietzia Natrolimnea into a probiotic and encapsulated it. It cured my Crohn’s. This was 4 years ago.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
How do you handle flying? My daughter was miserable without her edibles.Bring weed?
What's the pill called? Would love to get off the powder.I use Cholestyramine (I recently switched to an off-brand pill version that works just as well and no longer have to taste the disgusting powder). I take that with me for travelling or to use if I'm going to a wedding or other big party or I'm going to be out and about all day.
I have had Crohn’s for 54 years (12 bowel resections; half my colon and a few feet of small bowel gone), so I’ve learned the hard way what works for me. Though I don’t have any specific diet restrictions and I eat pretty much what I want in smaller amounts, I just don’t eat on the main day of travel or being out in public. Eating anything starts the intestines moving with a much higher risk of diarrhea. Food in, food out. Also, I use cholestyramine powder and Lomotil together because a lot of the diarrhea (incontinence for me is with little warning, literally taking a few steps and it’s over) is from so many surgeries as much as the Crohn’s. I do drink electrolyte water and eat yogurt. Though limited in many ways I try to travel as much as I am able. But sometimes all of my prep doesn’t work and I’m very disappointed. And then… I try again.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Thank god you can get them legally now. They can make a huge difference for flying.. I’ve had Crohn’s since I was 6. I’ve had 2 ostomies that were reversed a bunch of resections and countless surgeries for perianal fistula’s. On my teens and 20’s I would get intestinal blockages or partial blockages a few times a year. Hurt like hell. Most of the time, IV fluids would work. I’ve been on some interesting ERs. When I travel, I’m pretty freaked out about having an accident in the middle of the night. It has almost never happened but. It doesn’t matter. It could. Between Stelara and Rinvoq, I’ve never felt as good as I do now. That said, I overpack underwear , pants and bring a very small packl of laundry detergent and a a few ziplock bags. I pretty much hate traveling especially overseas. I had an intestinal blockage in Israel about 25 years ago. I went to a really good ER in Tel Aviv.. t they knew what was going on and put me on IV fluids right away. Didn’t send me for a million images just listened to me and treated me. They made an appt with a GI for a few days later when I started feeling better. I was freaking out about the bill. In NYC, I couldn’t get out of the ER without spending at least $800 (and I had health insurance) ER bill in Tel Aviv-$75. Whatever problems socialized medicine may have, I’ll take it over our system any dayHow do you handle flying? My daughter was miserable without her edibles.
Watch what you eat on the road stick to the safe foods your used to at home and I’ve found that smoked string cheese helps me 2or 3 of them the day before or even a couple of days before travel helps kinda bind things up a little bit and I’ve even snacked on them while traveling depending on how far you have to travel!!! But make shure it’s the smoked string cheese it’s a little bit harder then the regular ones hope this helpsCould you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Oh and avoid fizzy drinks, and keep your meds with you, not in your suitcase! I always take more than I need in case of travel disruption.I don't have active severe disease so can't advise on that. But I do know I get very bloated flying and if having a flare it smells terrible. So I invested in some Shreddies charcoal underwear and am pleased to say it works, no one suspected a thingAlso bought a toilet spray for the bowl in case I had to go on the plane. Hope this helps x
Take time to rest for a day prior to departure.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Are you still well? How did you culture it and how did you get hold of it?Yes. I got rid of Crohn’s by culturing Dietzia Natrolimnea into a probiotic and encapsulated it. It cured my Crohn’s. This was 4 years ago.
Intermittent fasting for some time previous to the planned trip date to reduce inflammation, and reduce the possibility of flaresCould you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
When travelling in different countries I take visual signs with various languages subtitled underneath to show at restaurants. This is big help in avoiding unexpected trigger foods.Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
I recently got back from Jamaica. I'm currently generally symptom free and have a stoma bag. Some suggestions in no particular order...Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.
Sorry the delayed response Alan,Could you share some traveling tips/tricks you have developed or learned please.