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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. L

    Seeking advice on surgery for scar tissue

    Hmmm. My gastro says not to try to remove the adhesions because it will just cause more of them. In what part of the country are you?
  2. L

    Seeking advice on surgery for scar tissue

    They do. I had surgery in remission in 2003 for scarring in the transverse colon. I decided to do it because my doc said the diameter would likely continue to shrink and I might find myself having emergency surgery in the future. Since then that section has tilted to the left and appears to...
  3. L

    Colonoscopy impeded

    I have had Crohns for 35 years, thankfully in remission on 6mp for the last 20. There is a history of digestive cancer in my family (and probably inflammation although that long ago who knows.) I had surgery for scarring narrowing the colon in 2003. Each year I dutifully get a colonoscopy. My...
  4. L

    6mp nausea when did yours start?

    I have been on 6 mp for 20 years and it never made me nauseous. Call your doc.
  5. L

    Meaning of lab results?

    So - today the docs office called me to say the lab ran the wrong test. Case closed.
  6. L

    Confused and not coping. Help?

    and be sure to send your MP the whole story.In the US when there is an area with special problems, frequently a congressman will have one aid who deals with them. Can you report the GP who prescribed the wrong pain killer so he doesn't do it again?
  7. L

    6mp for treatment - Hair Loss?

    I've been on 6mp 50 and 25 mg for 20 years and no hair loss.
  8. L

    Severe joint PAIN!

    Dear Alibug, I'm sorry for what you are experiencing. I once had a flare that included arthritic symptoms similar to rheumatoid arthritis, and I found that ice was actually useful on my knees and feet, which were the worst, I had a lot of trouble walking. If you haven't tried this yet you might.
  9. L

    Meaning of lab results?

    11/7 says 6tgn 145, 6mmpn 701, bilorubin .14 Rdw slightly high, everything else within normal range 1/6 says 6mp<20, bilorubin direct .11 Rdw slightly high, everything else within normal range Does anyone know how to compare the 6 mp? I'm trying to persuade my GI to leave me at 25 mg...
  10. L

    In remission on 6mp

    I was diagnosed with crohns in 1983 in the days of 60 mg of cortisone (lots of housecleaning) and sulfasalazine (stopping by the side of the road to throw up). Had a few flares but eventually have been in remission since about 1995 on 6 mp. Recently have had unusual inflammation in my stomach...