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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. aimeecryder

    What foods really bother you?

    Just wondering what foods really gives you tons of pain. My big one is beef. I'll hurt for days after I eat anything with hamburger meat in it. Along with lettuce, I cant eat salads anymore :( What bothers you the most?
  2. aimeecryder

    Just want someone to listen to me :( And some love:)

    just want someone to listen to me :( And some love:) Ever since I had a major surgery(appendix burst), in 2001 I had to take half my intestines out because the infection had blown into my intestines, ever since then I have had constant Diarrhea. I have not had a regular poo in 9 yrs. But the...
  3. aimeecryder

    Pains. some TMI

    pains. some TMI Im new to this whole Crohns thing. I just want to know what others feel pain wise or what I feel is the same for you guys. Do you get this unbearable pain when you realize you have to go to the bathroom? When it hits me I gets this horrible pain that pretty much makes it hard...
  4. aimeecryder

    Pain and no insurance for medical help

    yes my daughter is on medicaid and my son is on CHIPS. Hes 8 and shes 2 in Dec. Thanks for the ideas guys.. appreciate it. Wish it was easier finding a job these days. Neither one of us wants to wwork at pizza hut or mcdonalds LOL. So far unemployment is helping us pay the bills and get by...
  5. aimeecryder

    Pain and no insurance for medical help

    pain and no insurance for medical help Im new to this thread. I havent been really diagnosed with Crohn's but only partially. I was having bowel movements for 2 weeks straight that was only blood.. no bowel. The last day I just couldnt deal with it anymore.. had maybe 6 of those in one day! I...