Pain and no insurance for medical help

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Aug 17, 2009
pain and no insurance for medical help

Im new to this thread. I havent been really diagnosed with Crohn's but only partially. I was having bowel movements for 2 weeks straight that was only blood.. no bowel. The last day I just couldnt deal with it anymore.. had maybe 6 of those in one day! I felt really dizzy and very weak and a real high temp so I went to the ER and through all test and probe up my butt and CT scan the doc came back to tell me i had Crohns and referred me to a GI doc. The only problem is I dont have insurance and neither does my husband due to loosing his job to the economy!! (I stay home with baby) I have tried for Medicaid but they refused me because Im not pregnant, such bull crap!! Does anyone else know a way to get medical help or what to do? Im just lucky that I have a father in law that gets unlimited Hydrocodone so hes shares with me when i have those really bad pains! I love this forum.. I have gone through almost 21 pages now reading up on info. Im glad my joint pains are due to this illness than just getting old lol I just turned 30 last month. Thanks for everyone sharing their feelings and things they go through...

Hi Aimee,
First welcome!

As far as getting treatment. I would see if you can find a GI and negotiate some type of payment plan with them. Or if go to a hospital to be treated, many hospitals have charity programs to help those without insurance get the treatment they need. I'm not sure about Texas but some states also offer some type of medicaid that is for the state itself and not the federal insurance program.

I hate to be an advocate of abusing the ER, I've gone when I felt the need to though and it's better to go when you think you need to then delay treatment. So if you're hurting again, go to the ER if you need to. If your husband had coverage at his previous employer and didn't outright refuse COBRA that might be another option, I lost my job due to illness and the economy as well and have been on COBRA since then.

I would also check to see if there are free clinics in your area. We have a few here and while they aren't the best, they will do what they can to get you some form of treatment, at minimum they can get you some steroids to hopefully help with the bleeding and bowel movement problems.

Good luck and again welcome, you will find plenty of helpful and caring folks who know what you're going through.
Hi Aimee,

I'm sorry your in such a hard spot right now. Here is some info from CCFA regarding help for the cost of meds. I hope it helps.

I'm hoping your GI will be willing to work with you like Drew mentioned above. At most hospitals, if you have to make a visit to the ER, there are social workers who would be aware of what services are available in your community. Good luck. Let us know how things go for you.
Good advice imisspopcorn.

Aimee, I was 30 yr when I was admitted for that emergency appendectomy that was Crohn's. I'm not ashamed to say that I was a struggling mother of 2 without insurance. That 6 week stay was picked up by our county indigent fund. The sum of $21K. I had to make payments to pay off $3K of that (based on my need). The hospital social workers came into my room and I filled out papers to apply.

Also, now you can get some Crohn's meds for a 90 day supply, such as Prednisone, if it's ever prescribed for you, for $10 at area pharmacies like Walmart, Walgreen's.

Check with the county hospitals in your area. They are usually the teaching hospitals and offer more county programs.

I'm sorry that this has happened to you. Hang in there.
also, your baby would more than likely qualify for Chips/Medicaid health coverage. Based on your family income (they do count unemployment). My son is currently getting unemployment and he makes too much money for Medicaid himself. But my grandson is covered. He pays $5 per dr visit and $30 for hospital. Check into Chips for children. (my son lives in TX) If you need help in finding the info, email or message me.
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yes my daughter is on medicaid and my son is on CHIPS. Hes 8 and shes 2 in Dec. Thanks for the ideas guys.. appreciate it. Wish it was easier finding a job these days. Neither one of us wants to wwork at pizza hut or mcdonalds LOL. So far unemployment is helping us pay the bills and get by... just wish it gave us medical too!!