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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    Desperate times call for desperate measures

    Hey Daz, Ive been going through it for years. I absolutely have CD....not by biopsy or blood work, but been so ill for so long. BUT, I recently found out I had severe endometriosis, and everything was taken out. I feel so much better from that being taken care of that now my disease isnt has...
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    Do I stay or do I go?

    Sara I just read through your post, and Im so sorry your going through all of this. You are where I was all of last year. It was absolute HELL!! At times you wonder how you will make it out alive. BUT Hang in there my friend, I hope your home and feeling better. I know that when I was in serious...
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    Remicade question?

    Hey B-rad, I know that you can either increase the dose, or you ask for them to give you your treatment sooner than eight weeks...kinda like a super boost to the system instead of increasing your dose right off. If Increasing time between doses doesnt work, maybe a higher dose....or time to...
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    Popcorn really causing chaos in my body...

    So yesterday things go so bad, I thought I was going to end up in the hospital. I layed in bed for four hours with frequent trips to the loo.....I started to feel horrible, like a truck hit me. I couldnt see or stand straight, completely weak and fatigued. Then it went away....that feeling...
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    Popcorn really causing chaos in my body...

    Hey everyone, so Im checkin in with none but all who know best today. Ive been doing well lately, minor stuff to deal with....but nothing in comparison to what Ive been through. Anyway, I took my son to see Cars 2 this morning and I was perfect. Normally I dont eat popcorn, but maybe a few...
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    I am very B12 deficient...however, I do take injections every week of B12. Thanks for your input
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    So ive been dealing with this stuff far too long, I would think I would know the answers by know...but Im human and dont. My question is, during flares, before or after....does your taste become wierd? Ive been having a hard time eating because Im always queasy, but when I do eat....things taste...
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    Hey Joo, Yes loop in the bowl can stick together as everyone else has said. Now, I just had a major surgery where they did a complete hystorectomy, and had to clean off my intestines bc they had endometrial crap all over them. During the surgery they found areas of my bowls stuck together and...
  9. B

    Difficulty passing gas...

    YES!! I hate it...very painful and I push so hard it feels like Im going to explode. My GI thinks its something to do with strictures inflaming and causing slight blockage. Good Luck
  10. B

    Weaning off steriods

    Ok, so Ive been on and off those steroids for the last year, at times taking 60mgs! When I tapper I get sick....I have terrible hotflashes, night sweats, body aches, nausea and just down right miserable. However, I didnt have any major disease symptoms, and if I did...that ment I was comming off...
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    Back with a nice update

    Ethan is doing pretty good, he has his days, and its so 4 yrs old, he knows his and my triggers. My hubby was in hosptial with some crazy illness two weeks ago, and poor Ethan woke up with crazy D...lots of mucos but no visible blood. I feel so bad for him though, because he is a kid...
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    Rectal pressure

    I have a few hemmies and they give me that sensation when they are acting up. I have two outside and some sucks and I hope you feel better soon
  13. B

    Back with a nice update

    Hello Friends, Just wanted to stop in and give a long needed update. After an exploratory surgery found severe endometriosis I had a complete hystroectomy....and boy do I feel better from that. Its been 5 weeks of recovery now and Ive been doing well. Every three of four days I go through a CD...
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    Im game to feel better fast, but not before a complicate surgery

    Hi Friends, finally Im getting back to my reality, had to take some time off for a bit, things have just really become too much to deal with. I met with my OB for post op today, and boy, Im a mess. I have severe endometriosis and CD, which only exacerbate eachother. Everything is stuck together...
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    Not what I was hoping to hear....

    Thank you all for your kind words of support. I am lucky that I do have two very beautiful young children and a husband that loves me. Its just all so much to keep dealing with, especially after the year I had last year. Im coming to terms with what I have to do eventually, but hope I can put it...
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    Not what I was hoping to hear....

    So I havnt checked in here for a while, but this life of mine seems like a never ending roller coaster....after my diagnosis last year of CD, my body has been haywire. Last month I was treated as an inpatient for a resistant bacteria infection....the drs removed the cause of the infection, and...
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    Wondering how many women have gyn issues on top of CD?

    This is for the ladies: So all my life Ive had OB issues, and treated it through birth control. I had two children and flared the worst ever after my second child. All year while flaring, my OB issues got worst....and worst....and worst, till finally I was put in the hospital for IV therapy to...
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    Gastroscopy - through nostril or down throat?

    Ewwww NG tubes are no fun. I had to recently have one in the hospital. I was completely awake, alert, and had to keep it in for several was horrible. All I could do was ask for my pain meds, and anxiety meds...they helped, but I dont wish it upon anyone...Good Luck with that~
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    HELP Please!!

    Thank you again for all your support. Things are better and better, pain has come back in my side and back...that nagging pinching, and some loose stools. Im continuing to have gynocological problems, but have a minor surgery schedules to try and keep things cleared in that area. Ive been really...
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    HELP Please!!

    Hello again my friends! Greetings with good news...finally a break! Things seem to be cleared up for the infection and my cd is mostly under control. Im seeing my ob in two weeks to discuss next steps to making sure things are ok after such bad infection. I get more energy everyday (with the...