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    First Resection Appt. & Dr said Temp Ostomy if I cant get off meds. Need Advice.

    Thank you Ron. This has been my biggest fear.
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    First Resection Appt. & Dr said Temp Ostomy if I cant get off meds. Need Advice.

    I went for my first resection appointment with a surgeon after having CD for 25 years. I have severe narrowing in the ileum. I was told since i'm on 6mp and prednisone that I would have to have a temp ostomy for 4 months due to potential healing issues. Have you had a resection while on meds...
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    22 Years and saying bye to 6MP. Thanks for the ride!

    22 years on 100 mg of 6mp and have terrible skin issues! My skin is aging so terribly from this medicine, 100s of warts spreading everywhere. Just awful. Starting Entyvio in 2 weeks and so nervous but going to be optimistic. Even though my skin has taken a beaten, 6mp has kept me living a...
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    Entyvio to heal inflammatory strictures

    Just curious how the entyvio is going so far? I might be switching to it soon.
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    6MP to Entyvio Switching soon and scared

    I've been on 6mp 100 mg for 20 years and am having major skin problems and just landed in the hospital for the first time with a partial blockage. Went to the GI and he said it's time to switch meds. I'm so nervous. I'm sure that 6mp has just has many potential complications as Entyvio. I...
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    Getting off Aza and onto Humira?

    I've been on 6mp for 18 years and have to switch to Humira soon due to major skin issues. I am scared too but all of these meds are risky so I'm trying not to stress too much. Good luck
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    Colonoscopy Question-Term Ileum

    Today I had a new GI Doctor do a routine colonoscopy. When I woke up he said he wasn't able to get to the terminal ileum (which is where my CD is) and set me up for a small bowel series. The last 3 colonoscopies that I have had were able to get there and see and take pics, etc. I thought this...
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    Skin Cancer from Methotrexate?

    Hi, I am on 6MP and have had terrible skin problems, brown spots, warts, skin tags, spreading terribly. I've done so much research about and found that we are at a higher risk of skin cancer. I am seeing my Dr next week to try and switch to Humira. The dermatologist told me I am a remarkable...
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    Starting humira

    @cloudcloudrunrun why do you say that?
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    Diagnosed with Crohn's a Couple Days Ago

    I've had CD for 24 years and have been on immunosuppressive therapy for about 18 years and pretty healthy. No infections, no surgeries. I work, and live a great life. Yes, the meds are scary but untreated disease is worse. Read as much as you can. I stay away from salads, seafood, alcohol and...
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    We're SCARED to start HUMIRA for our 13 year old son...any encouragement PLEASE !!!!

    Been on immunosuppressive therapy for about 20 years.. no problems here and it has allowed me to live a normal life.
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    Does IBD mostly get worse as time progresses?

    CD 24 years here and disease is still the same.. very little change. Dr told me usually the first ten years dictates the disease.
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    Crohn disease remission

    Thanks for sharing your info. I used DMSO in the past to pull me out of flares. Some thought that was insane but quess what... works for me! Praying you stay healthy!
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    Sometimes being mom sucks

    If it makes you feel better I'm a Mom of three beautiful girls and through the years somehow my love for them always gave me strength. And when you don't feel great, order a pizza if you can.
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    Is there any hope for my Mom? (long story)

    God bless your Mom.. Never give up. She can make it through this. Please keep us updated.
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    How much Zinc is safe?

    Hi, I would like to try Zinc since I have read several articles that it can help with warts. I'm having skins issues due to years of 6MP. Does anyone know how much is safe? I bought 50mg from target tonight. I've never had my zinc level checked.
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    Why do I read crap on the internet?

    Thank you so much everyone! You all brighten my day! I've been on 6mp for 18 years with no side effects (except skin) so far so I feel I really am blessed.
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    Why do I read crap on the internet?

    Thanks for keeping me sane. I'm going to go with the Humira after my colonoscopy next month and pray for the best. You all rock!
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    Why do I read crap on the internet?

    So, I went to the Dr today due to my major skin issues on 6mp and they are recommending me to go on Humira. I felt positive and left there..came home and opened my Facebook and CCFA had posted an article about fungus and CD. So, I read it and see 3 people write that they got cancer while on...
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    Blood in stool but feel fine...worried

    @lisadc1, not that I know of. @Julia S, i'm still on 6MP but the Dr is going to add humira soon. Thank you