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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S


    I have found the Vapor X to be pretty discreet and useful. Vaporizing seems ti improve my appetite a lot more than smoking did for some reason. Can anyone explain why that may be? I also dont feel as baked as I did when I smoked. The high is there but its not kicking me in the head. I just feel...
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    Difficulty working

    I have talked with the people at Walmart and the most they can supposedly do for me is put me on part time as opposed to my current full time schedule. I am allowed to take one additional absence a month for Crohns related purposes....but seriously we all know that we more than likely need more...
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    Difficulty working

    I am currently working at Walmart and Im having difficulty maintaining my energy levels. I have a full time position and the cramping and severe fatigue has me questioning my future employment. My coworkers don't seem to enjoy having "the sick guy" in their department. I am trying to eat right...
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    Just found this last night...

    I was healed in church on Sunday! :) It was the most amazing and incredible experience of my entire life. I dont want to offend anyone here or give anyone the impression that Im pushing my faith and beliefs on this site so if you wish to know more I will glady tell you in detail what my...
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    Just found this last night...

    Do any of you believe in miraculous healings?
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    Just found this last night...

    Thanks for the advice Bev. If my doctor has knowledge of its medicinal purposes and feels he can talk to my parents without taking their side for whatever reason then I will surly have him talk to them about it. Pen, that is indeed wrong for a doctor not to perscribe someone pain meds based on...
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    Just found this last night...

    Yeah I went through about three serious (ok they were serious to me alone apparently) relationships this year and Ive had symptoms of Crohns that linger off and on (a fistula) and each one put me down for having Crohns. I started to get sick around the time that the last girl and I broke up and...
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    Just found this last night...

    Yes peace is important to me. It seems like stress makes things worse in general (marijuana helped with that too actually) but its common for Crohnies to have flair ups under severe stress right?
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    Just found this last night...

    Yes, I do indeed have an appointment...its on October 5th. My Crohns was in my esophagus when I was first diagnosed but has since shifted to my intestines. I had surgery on a fistula but that just made it worse so they havent mentioned it since. And no, unfortunatelly my mother was raised...
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    Just found this last night...

    just found this last night... Hello my name is Stephen and this is my first time joining any type of forum. I have been depressed lately due to feeling extremely alone so I figured it would be good to connect with others who know my pain. I was diagnosed when I was ten years old (im now 22). I...