Just found this last night...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Sep 30, 2010
just found this last night...

Hello my name is Stephen and this is my first time joining any type of forum. I have been depressed lately due to feeling extremely alone so I figured it would be good to connect with others who know my pain. I was diagnosed when I was ten years old (im now 22). I am currently going through a mild flair up and Im not on any meds because the maintainance drugs didnt work and I was having flair ups still while I was on them that were just as severe as when I wasnt on them (so what good were they for me really?). Ive been on Pentasa, two or three kinds of antibiotics, 6MP, Humira (which literally started driving me mad for some reason), Remicade (extremely expensive and very harsh but has helped me in the past), prednisone (something I now refuse to take due to feeling poisoned or gross from it), and several painkillers that also make me feel poisoned (not sure what other word to use since I feel like my whole body is in dire need of getting the substance out and I feel so much nausea when I take them). I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist scheduled for October 5th and I of course am hoping he will have something new to help me. I got so desperate in the last few weeks that I got a medical marijuana license when I was living in California. My appetite increased greatly and my nausea and cramps went away. I moved back home to New Mexico (got detained for an hour in Yuma for having a pipe that I wasnt even trying to hide....didnt think a pipe without weed was illegal to have especially if you have medical papers with a doctors note but oh well I guess). Now that Im home I cant smoke around my parents so I am eating hardly anything, losing sleep, throwing up, losing weight, growing more depressed due to all of that, and I have no friends here in New Mexico to support me. Obviously marijuana wont cure me but its better than a lot of other drugs the doctors have given me....but I now am in need of something powerful I suppose...like remicade again maybe. Im actually thinking Marinol might not be bad to try while Im under some other kind of treatment. Each day that I wait for my appointment feels like five days to me. Im drinking tea with ginger in it and taking vitamins with nano technology to help but thats obviously not enough for a cronic disease right? I will literally take any substance that the doctor or any of you recommend to me. I would like to take a natural route to heal my body instead of just feeding it drugs that have really nasty side effects so Im looking for a new diet. It shouldnt be hard for me to adapt to one since I have really no desire to eat at the moment. Oh and I did see a gastroenterologist in San Diego and he was highly concerned and didnt seem to know what to do with me seeing as how Ive tried "all of the heavy hitters on the market for Crohns" so I left there feeling so sad and discouraged. I had a colonoscopy scheduled for tuesday but my family that I was staying with wouldnt loan me the money to get the go-lightly so I canceled and moved back home where I knew I wouldnt have such an issue again. So as I wait to start getting medical attention I suffer humbly knowing that I will get past this yet again no matter how long it takes and hopefully I can make a few friends here in this new chapter in my life. I know there are others far worse than me and I hope to be an encouragement to others as I start to make my recovery.

Thanks for reading this....it feels great to open up and to be understood
Hi Stephen and :welcome:

Oh wow, I'm so sorry you are going through all this. So your parent's won't let you smoke around them? not even outside?

Where is your Crohns located? Has surgery ever been mentioned? Sorry about all the questions! I hope you can get some support going close to you. Do you have any appointments arranged where you are now?

This is a safe and friendly place with loads of support and info and you are most welcome here so please stick around and keep us posted and if you have any questions just fire away. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Welcome Stephen :bigwave: I read your story and I know how you feel about the drugs , none of them work for me anymore because I have had this disease before you were born and been on everything and 2 resections. I am now only taking one Flagyl a day to keep my CD in check. I also take high probiotics and on the low resdue diet (ok sometimes I cheat) and avoid dairy and fatty foods. My daughter mentions medicinal MJ too but that doesn't help with pain at least for me. And I dont feel like being high, not my thing.

It is hard to have friends and family understand, and because you are at a young age, they feel you could be abusing the marijuana for "recreation" face it , who is going to believe a 22 year old??

The only other diet some swear by is SCD diet but it is very hard to stick to it. Glad you are here, great people here to help you and lots of young people your age. :hang:
Yes, I do indeed have an appointment...its on October 5th. My Crohns was in my esophagus when I was first diagnosed but has since shifted to my intestines. I had surgery on a fistula but that just made it worse so they havent mentioned it since. And no, unfortunatelly my mother was raised thinking that marijuana is evil or something. I think its selfish to not allow someone to take something that seriously helps them but Im in no position to stand up for myself and tell them. So I guess im choosing to suffer instead of upsetting my parents at the moment.
Good luck with your appointment and please let us know how you get on.

Oh, that sucks about the marijuana but I can understand your need to keep the peace. :(:(:(

Thinking of you, :hug:
Yes peace is important to me. It seems like stress makes things worse in general (marijuana helped with that too actually) but its common for Crohnies to have flair ups under severe stress right?
Yes it can! A death, divorce or moving are the 3 major stresses, and although we can't avoid them we still have to deal with them. Keeping calm isnt the total do all but it really does help and proper diet.
I don't have crohns myself, my daughter does, but I reckon the general consensus around here is a big yes to stress playing havoc with your crohns!
Yeah I went through about three serious (ok they were serious to me alone apparently) relationships this year and Ive had symptoms of Crohns that linger off and on (a fistula) and each one put me down for having Crohns. I started to get sick around the time that the last girl and I broke up and my condition grew worse while I was struggling with my job (which I ultimatelly had to quit because of my health) and while I was battling a broken heart. I tend to desire affection more when Im sick than usual so that made it that much harder. And I apologize if I sounded like a stoner earlier, its just that I honestly am longing for it because of the way it helped me. If I just wanted to get high I would inhale my keyboard cleaner lol but thats not what its about for me. If I could smoke without getting high and still have the beneficial qualities then I would definitely still do it. I have a gut feeling my doctor will start me on remicade again which im not looking forward to...but like I said, Ill take anything at this point. The feeling in my gut is comparable to swallowing broken glass or something and when that feeling goes away I try to eat at least something. Ive found that renewed faith in God has given me a new hope as has this site so far.
Hey Stephen, Im sorry to hear of your battles, just know your NOT alone. This is a great place to vent, get information, ask questions and be heard. I think you need to be up front and honest with your parents and try to explain to them the benefits to you of using pot to help deal with your symptoms. Its sad that society places such judgement on people for using marijuana to treat serious illnesses. I hope and pray for you in your journey through the trials and tribulations. Dont give up, keep trying, give them as much info as you can find to support your case. Perhaps you can get your parents into see a doc with you to explain WHY THC helps your condition. Good luck Stephen
Hi Stephen, welcome!! If you can still get it, use it if it helps you! I'm sorry if you have to feel sneaky to do it but that's how 90% of all pot users feel anyway hahaha! You have a legitimate reason to use it. Good luck!!
Yeah I went through about three serious (ok they were serious to me alone apparently) relationships this year and Ive had symptoms of Crohns that linger off and on (a fistula) and each one put me down for having Crohns. I started to get sick around the time that the last girl and I broke up and my condition grew worse while I was struggling with my job (which I ultimatelly had to quit because of my health) and while I was battling a broken heart. I tend to desire affection more when Im sick than usual so that made it that much harder. And I apologize if I sounded like a stoner earlier, its just that I honestly am longing for it because of the way it helped me. If I just wanted to get high I would inhale my keyboard cleaner lol but thats not what its about for me. If I could smoke without getting high and still have the beneficial qualities then I would definitely still do it. I have a gut feeling my doctor will start me on remicade again which im not looking forward to...but like I said, Ill take anything at this point. The feeling in my gut is comparable to swallowing broken glass or something and when that feeling goes away I try to eat at least something. Ive found that renewed faith in God has given me a new hope as has this site so far.

Ouch..breakups are soooooooooooo hard on our bodies, it causes flares too, and I have been there done that. Best you know now, there will be someone down the road who is worthy of YOU. It always helps to have someone there that loves you and helps you through your rough times. Being alone sucks. I didnt mean to say you are a "pothead" I am just saying that I know a few people who are on medicinal pot and it works for them. Some young people on here can't even get painkillers because the young ones without health problems are abusing it, so doctors wont give them any thing for pain because of their age...THAT is so wrong. NO one deserves to be in pain, and being younger that has to mess with your head.

WE are here to support you in anyway we can, it is not the same as a real live person but we are here to listen and give you what we can. Hope you get relief soon!;)
Hi Stephen
and welcome

It's a shame you can't get out to smoke your pot without the parents knowing, I would nip out, go for a walk, discretely like! Last thing you need is an arrest! Have you got a dog you could walk?
Stress defo is a trigger as I found out back in Jan when I was hospitalised with a blockage. I'd broke up with husband, divorced him, moved house and my mum was ill, she eventually died. So I had all 3 major stresses in one go!
glad you found us, we're here for you, you're no longer alone with this.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks for the advice Bev. If my doctor has knowledge of its medicinal purposes and feels he can talk to my parents without taking their side for whatever reason then I will surly have him talk to them about it. Pen, that is indeed wrong for a doctor not to perscribe someone pain meds based on their age. Though I can see a ten year old being addicted a bad thing (though I havent heard of such a thing). I was addicted to Ultram for awhile...now it makes me throw up and feel so gross from my head to my toes (clearly my nervous system doesnt like it). Joan, Im sorry about your loss. I too know what its like to lose a mom (im living with my stepmother and my dad) so if you ever want to talk about that Im here for you as well. I am unable to take long walks at the moment but whenever I do get ahold of mary jane again I will definitely have to be descrete about it. If I didnt respect my parents and their feelings so much I wouldnt have an issue telling them about it
Hiya Stephen

Thank you. It's been hard, Mum was ill for a long time, she's at peace now with my Dad.
It's lovely that you respect your parents like this, you're to be commended for that!
stay well Stephen
I bet nearly everyone has heard of at least one incidence of a miraculously healed cancer patient etc.. Whether it's mind over matter or God or some other cosmic force that caused it is the real question.
Have you tried educating your parents about weed, Stephen? The best thing I know to tell you is to show them the facts. I'm sure they'd be willing to listen. The fact that they would deny you smoking when it helps is completely ridiculous. It's not a matter of respecting your parents. Your well being is at risk and your life is suffering because your parents are against marijuana. You have to stand up for yourself. It would be stupid not to! Will they still be against it if they know how much it helps you?

If you want me to help find some articles or what have you about medical marijuana, let me know.
I was healed in church on Sunday! :) It was the most amazing and incredible experience of my entire life. I dont want to offend anyone here or give anyone the impression that Im pushing my faith and beliefs on this site so if you wish to know more I will glady tell you in detail what my experience was like if you send me a message. I dont have any desire to smoke because my nausea is gone and my appetite has been returning these last couple of days after several weeks (about two months) of barely eating. I saw my gastroenterologist today and I told him all about it too. His goal is to help me get my weight back on since Ive lost about 32 pounds and I am following through with my colonoscopy as planned but I no longer need it right away so my doctor and I pushed it back to November 8th! :)
Hey Stephen,

Gotta say mate that I'm a sceptic but hey I figure whatever floats ya boat and if it works for you then I'm happy for you. Good luck!

Take care, :)