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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. P

    Tips for drinking barium contrast?

    I work in MRI, what are they going to image? I have had the barium and it was flavored, they gave me the choice of chocolate or strawberry, maybe they can flavor it for you..good luck
  2. P

    Unusual or the norm?

    It is common to have feathery looking stools when my Crohns is flared up ?
  3. P

    Hi from a newbie!

    I really love this site and the open discussions. I too was in denial for about a year and only take Asocol for my treatment. I have lots of bloating and pressure in my upper abd, it is very hard to keep things under control and very unpredictable for me. But by the grace of God I have only had...
  4. P

    Glad to have found this site

    glad to have found this site I have had IBS for about 20 years and two years ago I got seriously sick and was diagnosed with Crohns, I denied it for the first year and thought I was too old to have it. But since than I have been trying to deal with it and get it under control. So I still feel...
  5. P

    What are you eating right now?

    what are you eating now I am eating quick oats with raisins and walnuts, one of the few nut that I can eat.