Hi from a newbie!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 19, 2010
Hello, I am new here but not so new to CD. I have really learned a lot by reading about many of your very different experiences. I appreciate this site tremendously and have found it so helpful and encouraging. There are things I have struggled with all my life but which I never associated with the disease until reading that many other CD sufferers struggle with many of the same issues.

I was diagnosed in 1999 at the age of 27 and at the time I thought my symptoms came completely out of the blue and that the disease had just suddenly appeared. In retrospect, I am sure I had it for most of my life! I vomited very frequently as a child and in my teen years had lots of embarrassing bowel troubles which led to me basically becoming anorexic and havea social phobia because I was afraid of the humiliation I experienced when I would eat and have extremely loud bowel sounds and sometimes diarrhea too. The stress I experienced and the irregular eating I think made things even worse. Somehow though I struggled through highschool and five agonizing years of college all the time thinking I was just very weird. I never shared my emotional pain and fears with anyone because I didn't know there was a physical basis behind it all. Just now, after reading posts here, are the lights beginning to come on!

I got married and had two healthy babies before I started having a major flare up. It was right after my third child, who was born very small and now has learning and other neurological issues ( because of undiagnosed CD in me??), that I began feeling really sick. I began having highfevers, back pain, headaches and couldn't even stand up long enough to get myself ready in the mornings because of fatigue. But I never dreamed it had anything to do with my bowel because I had no pain at the time and the loose, urgent stools I had always had I thought were normal! The only thing my GP found was that my blood count was very low so he tested for occult blood in my stool and it was positive. Within days of that finding I finally did experience what seemed like labor contractions and severe pain after eating some chili. After extensive testing and two blood transfusions My GI doc finally diagnosed me as having CD. My flare lasted 2 months only. Instead of taking the steroids and pentasa, I tried the natural route first since my uncle is a naturopath. He gave me Ultra InflamX by Metagenics which worked wonders and even put me in remission. I continued to follow up with the GI doc for a year or so then assumed I was healed! I was still pretty ignorant of the disease and thought that as long as I didn't have a fever or bleeding that the disease was gone.

So fast forward 11 years to today. Lately I have been having very bad pain in my upper left quadrant and sometimes in the middle of my abdomen above my navel, especially when I eat. Also, I have always had very sharp pains in my lower right which I always thought were related to my ovary (even though no one has ever found any cyst or anything there and I have had it checked a few times). Now I am beginning to wonder if it has been crohn's all along. I frequently feel as if I am coming down with something, like I have a low grade fever (even though it doesn't get above 99) and my abdomen usually aches. Other than that I have no other symptoms that I know of except the usual urgent, loose stools in the mornings. It is not like when I was first diagnosed and yet I know what I am experiencing is not normal. I went to my doctor but problem is I now live in Namibia where there is only one GI doc who is a three hour's drive away! My regular doc says she never sees CD patients only UC. She called someone to find out what to do and decided to put me on asacol to see if my symptoms clear. If not, then she will schedule me for a colonoscopy. I feel though as if I am being paranoid or a hypochondriac especially since I do not have the obvious symptoms.
I know I obviously do not have it nearly as bad as many people do and I am thankful that so far my symptoms have been pretty mild with the exception of my initial bout. I have had lots of questions though and look forward to being a part of this forum! I know my post was LONG!! If you have read it, thank you for your patience!! : )
Hi Karrie and welcome!! I hope you can get some relief from the Asacol!! I can't imagine how troubling your situation could be in Namibia!! Have you lived there long? Having an immune system disease is bad enough anywhere!! But Africa....good luck!!
:welcome: to the forum! I too tried the naturapathic route for awhile after my second surgery but was very short lived. Everyone's disease is different,some bleed I dont, some have obstructions, and some have constant pain. Dealing with any long term pain can wear you down and you feel like because you are stressed of it which in turn causes you pain, you and you either think it is all in your head or you brought it on.

Many people have suffered here and no one is lesser of the two with the pain, because NO ONE knows when they will have a major flare, and that is hard too. You need to see a Gi that is surprising that they only cover UC and not both. Many people here to support you, hope you let us know how are doing. Take care.
Thanks for the welcome!

Thank you Dexky and Pen, for your nice welcome and encouraging words! I have lived in Namibia since 3/2008. There is a GI doc in the capital, 3 hours away. My regular doctor just isn't very familiar with Crohn's since there aren't many people here who have been diagnosed with it. She says she has had some UC patients but never Crohn's.

Sometimes I still wonder if I even have it. The asacol seems to have helped the sharp pain I had in my right side but I still have a constant pain in my upper left that feels like a stitch from exercising. Not sure what that could be. Sometimes it gets much worse when I eat. What does the asacol do for you, Dexky? I realize I should make the drive to see the GI but ugh! I probably need to just go and stay there for a week so I can get all the testing done. I just keep hoping this pain will go away on its own!
Karrie, it's not me that has crohns, it's my son. He is on asacol 2400mg/day and 50mg/day 6mp. He has been very well on these for the last several months. He started this course Jan. or Feb. this year. It took several months for the 6mp to really do its thing but the asacol seemed to help immediately. I should also say he was on a quick prednisone taper starting mid-December last that quickly helped him. Do you have such open access to your GI that you could plan such a week of testing? If so, I'd say that would be a very good idea. Good luck!!
Hi karrieg and :welcome:

I think it would a very good idea to stay and have some tests done. We were in a situation of having to travel for 3 hours for Roo to see her GI, there was no one closer. It is worth it for answers and peace of mind, just to know that you are dealing with someone who understands your disease. I'm not sure about your pain but my daughter had upper epigastric pain most of the time and her Crohns was located in her terminal ileum. I don't know if her raised pancreatic enzymes that led them to believe she had pancreatitis had anything to do with that pain. I hope you get some answers and relief soon.........good luck!

Take care, :)
I am actually thinking of having my daughter tested as well. She has always had very strange symptoms but has been tested for all kinds of things. I have wondered about some type of autoimmune disorder but hadn't thought about the possibility of Crohn's until now. I know, I probably seem really ignorant and I guess I am. But because I only have had one major flare, I sort of thought that was the definition of the disease- meaning the symptoms I had during that short time. I also have a high pain tolerance and tend to ignore my physical problems until they get too bad to ignore. It wasn't until I came across this forum in my search for answers to my pain that I began to really see the big picture of the disease. Anyway, my daughter has had intermittent, unexplainable diarrhea, fevers, joint pains, headaches and nausea- but not always all at the same time. Lately we have both been having symptoms. She is allergic to wheat which initially is all I thought it was but she has been off of wheat for awhile now. Hmmm... Maybe we need to have a little vacation together to go see the GI doc. : ) Thanks for the advice!
Hi Karrie
and welcome

Interesting about the ovary pain, I've had symptoms for nearly 20 years and I thought it was all normal too! GP just kept calling it IBS! So I went down the gynae route, they found a fibroadenoma the size of an orange on my right ovary, benign tho! I had a full hysterectomy and I've never regretted it. But they also found endometriosis on my bowels, these endos were scraped off, they were everywhere! four years later, still had pains in lower right, so screamed for a referral to gastro, had a scope, they found Crohns! My symptoms are diarrhea and abdo pains, I don't bleed, my CD is in the terminal ileum. I've taken Pentasa (part of the 5ASA group like Asacol) for 5 years and it's been ok, now on a round of Pred for a bit!
If I have days of constant D, I go on the low residue diet, and this works by decreasing diarrhea and giving bowels a rest. You can find this here on the forum.
Stick with the appt and have a scope done, hopefully there will be answers and you can get appropriate meds. glad you found us, any questions, fire away!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Karrie! :welcome:
I was newly diagnosed, but have had symptoms for quite some time as well, just never related the various things to CD (mainly b/c I had never heard of CD before.) And even after the surgery i had last month I think I subconsiously believed that everything would just go away. I'm realizing more and more that it is not the case.. :) Anywho, I have learned so much on this forum, and the members here are absolutely wonderful! I hope you begin to feel better and better, and if you go for the colonoscopy I wish you good luck. One of my favorite features of this forum is the search engine.
Welcome Aboard!! :ghug:
That is interesting Joan, about the ovarian mass and still having pain after its removal then finding Crohn's. I have had that pain on the right side on and off since 1995 and have had ultrasounds which haven't shown anything ovary related. I will look up the low residue diet. I haven't been eating much. Usually I don't eat and get very hungry then overdo it when I finally do eat and pay for the rest of the day!

I know it may sound silly but sometimes I wish my symptoms were a little more obvious so there would be more for a doctor to see and also so I would know something was wrong! Like last time I had obvious symptoms that were life threatening and the doctor had no choice but to look until he found what was wrong. But now, though I have more pain than last time, I have no fever and no blood. I realize this is a GOOD thing but I am afraid of going for a colonoscopy only to be told there is nothing wrong! Does that make sense?

I mentioned I was asacol but now I am not sure because my prescription says Salazopyrin which is a generic form of 5-ASA but not sure whether it is Pentasa or Asacol or what! The doc at first said Asacol but I think it isn't. Anyone know what it is I am taking? : )

Welcome to you too GirlyGirl! I also had never heard of CD until I was diagnosed. I agree with you that the members here are great! I hope you are recovering well from your surgery and that you feel better soon too.
Welcome Karrie:bigwave:
I am new here too, but not to CD. I was dx in '91 at age 16, but also suffered many years prior. Doctor said bruising of abdominal muscles due to sports.??? No definitive testing done at time.
I really think it would be beneficial to you to have a colonoscopy and an EGD done. A good look from bottom and top to see how things look in there. I'm going in for both on Tuesday. Doc says he needs to know situation in both parts, as treatment varies according to disease location. I just had a perianal abscess drained and have a anal fistula as well. It's important to stay on top of things, as developing these complications are not only painful, but are very unpleasant.
:thumright:probably a good idea to have daughter tested as well. It would be a shame for her to needlessly suffer as we did as youngsters.

You'll also find this forum very beneficial. It's great to know that we are not alone in our daily struggles. The people here a wonderful, very supportive and informative. I'm glad I found them.


I know it may sound silly but sometimes I wish my symptoms were a little more obvious so there would be more for a doctor to see and also so I would know something was wrong! Like last time I had obvious symptoms that were life threatening and the doctor had no choice but to look until he found what was wrong. But now, though I have more pain than last time, I have no fever and no blood. I realize this is a GOOD thing but I am afraid of going for a colonoscopy only to be told there is nothing wrong! Does that make sense?

If you stick around here for anytime at all, you will discover that clean colonoscopies and normal test results are far too common!!

Have you looked for your meds on the forum Wiki? If it isn't there perhaps you could add it. There may be a number of post requirement though, I don't know.
Hi karrieg, I'm new here too. I think you'll find a wealth of info and support on here - it's always good to talk about things with ppl who have experienced this disease.

I put off looking for an answer to my problems for 3 years or so, and while I didn't quite like the results, I'm glad I now have an answer, and realise things definitely weren't normal!!! So I definitely vote that you and your daughter go and have all the tests - just one suggestion tho...if you're both having the colonoscopy on the same day, make sure you have access to a toilet each!!!!!!!!! You're gonna need it!
Hiya Kerrieg

read this linky thing


the active ingredient is sulfasalazine

These meds are not Asacol, cos Asacol is sulfa free, and the active ingredient is mesalasine.
so is Pentasa.
But.. they are all amnio salicylates (5ASA)
hope that makes sense?

good luck with the low res diet, it really works.
Hey Karrie!! Welcome!

I hope that the Asacol works well for you. When I lived out in California, we lived in the middle of the desert on a marine corps base, I had to drive 2 1/2 hours to see a GI doc. I know that it can wear on you making that trip, but it is worth it to get good help!

I hope to see you around the forum, and very glad that you found us!
Thank you, my daughter and I both just went in and got some blood work done. Just waiting on the results now. They don't do the C-reactive protein here but did the ESR, the other F something one, the CBC and rheumatic factor tests. So hopefully something will show. I realize sometimes the colonoscopy can be clean esp. if the flare is somewhere else but how about blood work? If we are indeed having Crohn's issues, will the blood work be abnormal or could that also all come back good even in a flare? If all comes back normal and that means no Crohn's of course I will be very happy! I just want something definitive.
My bloodwork definitely showed stuff, but I know that for some people on here their blood can be totally normal.
Unfortunately Roo's blood work showed nothing until she reached the point of being septic. My advice would be if everything comes up normal and your symptoms are telling you something different keep pursuing the docs until you get the answers you need. Good luck!

Dusty. :)
Astra101, thank you, that was very helpful! I have looked at other websites but that one seemed to have the best info on the drug.
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I really love this site and the open discussions. I too was in denial for about a year and only take Asocol for my treatment. I have lots of bloating and pressure in my upper abd, it is very hard to keep things under control and very unpredictable for me. But by the grace of God I have only had two real severe flair up where I should have gone to the ER. But on a day to day basis it never goes away and my CD is a constant battle. every one on this site is so strong and brave. But what else are we going to do....
Hi psn
and welcome

If you post this again in the 'Your Story' section, just click on new thread, everyone will see you, and you'll get the big welcome you deserve!
Maybe it's time for a check up? This disease is so unpredictable, things might/may have changed since you were last seen?
I've been in denial too, reluctant to see a doc etc, so know how you feel.
Glad you found us, lots of support and friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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