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  1. T


    I have crohn's disease and have had some of my large bowel and terminal illeum (? I think) taken out. I have PAINFUL gas and bloating along with diarrhea a lot. I was wondering if I could take like 1 Tums whenever I get the gas and bloating. Or would that be bad? Let me know!
  2. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    My doctor told me that its a possibility that my stools will never be the same but i havent really accepted it yet. There was one time last winter when i had a normal one, does that mean anything? Im trying to be better on top of it. I think im getting an appointment scheduled sooner than...
  3. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    yeah, i see a ped GI. Im not sure how long i will be able to tho
  4. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    im 15 now. Ill see if I can get switched to another doctor but i think thats probably unlikely
  5. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    Okay, ill make that happen then. Its probably not high, theres only so many peds GI at Iowa. But you're saying that theres probably more that can be done?
  6. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    I was on pretty regular ones but not anymore, i thought that was weird too. I think they said that theyd need to if i wasnt getting enough? or something like that
  7. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    It was horrible, I did want to murder her! I got a 2 scopes before surgery, and a pill scope afterward. And that came back looking normal. Well ive had d since my trip to the ER and im not sure if thats normal or not.... I think my doctor said something about B12 but weve never done anything(i...
  8. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    no, i really love all the questions. i havent talked about it to anyone, so i dont know if what is happening to me is normal. i did have a tube for that in. im not sure if im still in pain or not... i havent had my period because of how much i weigh (5'6'' and 80 pounds after surgery) so im not...
  9. T

    Is sick of people saying I look great!

    when i was in the hospital each day the doctor would come in and ask if i felt better than i did before i came in (when i did i had a SEVER abces and horrible inflammation, a result of 2 years with sever crohns and not treatment). hmmmmm i wonder...
  10. T

    Id love to have someone listen....

    id love to have someone listen.... okay soo here it goes... (this could get long) For about 3 years now i had horrible abdominal pains that would make me cry, but my doctor just put me on stupid diets and never ONCE did a simple blood test or even suggested it. Eventually the pains would leave...