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  1. K

    I never have energy, feel like an old lady at 19.

    Not sure about that one
  2. K

    I never have energy, feel like an old lady at 19.

    I had a scope a few months ago and it was fine, but my last infusion (end of January) showed mild inflammation so I have to get labs prior to my June Appointment with the GI. I'll check out that book, that sounds like a real good idea. I am interested in cooking. GI did want to give me B12...
  3. K

    I never have energy, feel like an old lady at 19.

    Not sure about Vit. D but my B12 is low. I bought gummy vitamins it's just hard to keep up with taking them. I have a lot of other meds.
  4. K

    I never have energy, feel like an old lady at 19.

    Never been happy cause before diagnosis I was always sick. Never got to play sports or hangout with friends out of school, I barely was able to sit through 5 hour school day and couldn't do homework so I struggled all my life. My doctor said my life would change after surgery and starting...
  5. K

    I never have energy, feel like an old lady at 19.

    You've definitely had it rough :/, thanks for the info I'll check the diet section. I do avoid soda and the fast food like mcdonalds burgers and tacobell cause it all disgusts me, but salad and sandwiches are not a good staple diet obviously. I don't get diarrhea at all so I eat whatever with no...
  6. K

    I never have energy, feel like an old lady at 19.

    Hi everybody. Been a long time... Got my Remicade upped to every 7 weeks due to joint pain and started physical therapy a few months ago. Still hurting. Rheumo doesn't see anything else wrong with me, so I'm at a total loss. I'm now 19 years old. Just got my high school diploma since I missed...
  7. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    Thanks < 3 I really hope they aren't making a mistake. The first flare I had I was in the hospital for 5 days. They gave me lipids, pentasa, a final CT scan, and steroids then sent me on my way "perfectly fine." A week later I had a follow up CT which showed an abscess, a fistula, a bad...
  8. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    ER did a CT, said it wasn't serious and sent me home. So I'll continue to lay on the couch curled up in a ball, unable to move or eat for another few days since I guess I just need to put a bandaid on my "owie" and suck it up. Funny cause on my discharge paper all he put was "see your doctor."...
  9. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    She said my inflammation was mild and that I shouldn't be in too much pain all of a sudden. Told me to go to the ER. Ugh. I didn't want or need the scope in the first place, now she caused irritation, she should pay for this S!
  10. K

    Severe Menstrual Cramps

    When I started having Crohns symptoms I thought it was endometriosis, but wasn't. I was forced to go on birth control cause it was bad like that too, and extremely heavy. I'd always miss a full week of school every single month until I opted for home school. I have been on Lo Loestrin FE birth...
  11. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    I'll do it now. I'm really afraid of what she's going to make me do to find out, I can't afford the hospital.
  12. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    Still pain this afternoon. I'm really PO. Just graduated, supposed to be time for celebration.
  13. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    Yeah the paper says biopsies were taken, I'm not sure where exactly.
  14. K

    Massive amount of pain after scope

    I have had 2 colonoscopies previously, and it has never been this painful. I am on Remicade, and have not flared since starting it in 2010. I don't think it's gas since it's been ten hours, but took gas x with no relief. I did however take anti diarrhea pills a few hours after getting home, and...
  15. K

    Accidentally ate the day before Colonoscopy...

    Horrible disease and too much of a hassle so I give up.
  16. K

    Accidentally ate the day before Colonoscopy...

    I put lime juice in it, it was still so disgusting I only got 1/4 down in 4 hours. It did not work after 5 hours so I went to sleep, it worked in the morning but was not enough. So I told my doctor I wasn't going to reschedule and that I give up with this illness, no more remicade, nothing. Done!
  17. K

    Accidentally ate the day before Colonoscopy...

    Oh shoot :/ well, I am going to hope for the best and if it ruins the scan then oh well I guess. Not going to reschedule it. it is a gallon of stuff called polythylene glycol with electrolytes
  18. K

    Accidentally ate the day before Colonoscopy...

    I thought I had to stop eating at 6pm the night before the procedure, but when I was checking what not to have, I noticed it said clear liquids the day before and to start prep at 6pm... I ate breakfast at 8am and now just ate a little again at 1pm which is when I realized this issue. Do you...
  19. K

    Ok worst thing someone has said to you.

    That is very harsh... but yeah, there are always people out there who are truly good hearted, it just takes time to find them. I've been learning these things slowly : )
  20. K

    Ok worst thing someone has said to you.

    All of the things like this do hurt bad, but I have come to realize that when someone is rude and inconsiderate that in the end we are really just automatically better people than them, and should feel more powerful overall. I have always disliked most people, even before Crohns... I prefer...