Massive amount of pain after scope

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Nov 12, 2010
I have had 2 colonoscopies previously, and it has never been this painful. I am on Remicade, and have not flared since starting it in 2010. I don't think it's gas since it's been ten hours, but took gas x with no relief. I did however take anti diarrhea pills a few hours after getting home, and that's when the real terrible pain started. I still have barely eaten, and I haven't been able to move much.

It's the normal inflammation pain, the burning sensation in my intestine which I haven't felt this bad in 2 years. Keeping the heating pad on my abdomen for the past 6+ hours has helped, but I am very worried since I had no symptoms like this until after the procedure. It hurts most at my surgery site (from Dec 2010 resection) when I breathe in too deep.

Is there anything I can do, did the camera irritate my intestinal wall and make the small amount of inflammation worse!? Did I do something wrong and will I need to go to the ER tomorrow if it's still bad?
Did they take alot of biopsies? I think if you are in that much pain, I would ring the Dr or GI's office right away.
I'll do it now. I'm really afraid of what she's going to make me do to find out, I can't afford the hospital.
Cant afford to get real sick my sig line above! Dont take chances with your health. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious, but it isn't that rare that they make mistakes during scopes.
She said my inflammation was mild and that I shouldn't be in too much pain all of a sudden. Told me to go to the ER.

Ugh. I didn't want or need the scope in the first place, now she caused irritation, she should pay for this S!
They will probably just give you an X ray to check for perf. I just had one 3months ago. A microperf can heal on its own sometimes and only requires antibiotics. An actual perf requires surgery.
I am so sorry you are having a bad time. Why did she even want to do a scope if you were feeling fine? I hope it is nothing serious and that you feel better soon..

She said my inflammation was mild and that I shouldn't be in too much pain all of a sudden. Told me to go to the ER.

Ugh. I didn't want or need the scope in the first place, now she caused irritation, she should pay for this S!
ER did a CT, said it wasn't serious and sent me home. So I'll continue to lay on the couch curled up in a ball, unable to move or eat for another few days since I guess I just need to put a bandaid on my "owie" and suck it up.

Funny cause on my discharge paper all he put was "see your doctor." medical employees must band together to help each other get richer by playing this game of tag.

Neither is getting my money again soon, I'll just suffer here quietly.

Thanks guys.
Hi Kate .
Sorry that your not feeling well.
I had several colonoscopies all with biopsies taken . the first time I was sore for three weeks after and then it calmed down . But i think i was flaring at the time so I believe the biopsies didnt help . last time i had one earlier this year i was in a lot of pain afterwards but it passed within 24 hrs. I think it depends on your condition going into this test and possibly how much air is used to pump you up for the camera.
I was told not to worry unless I was bleeding more than a small amount but its alway best to get it checked.
hope you are feeling better soon
Hope you feel better soon, its wrong that they just say see ya doctor, i thought that what you went to the ER for x
Hope you feel better soon! ER's are basically useless unless you have a limb torn off or broken or you are brought in by ambulance. Other than that, forget it, they are 9 times out of 10 going to do CT scans, give fluids, send you on your way with a HUGE bill and tell ya to see your regular doctor! It is nuts... I have never had great experience with ER's either. Also, you usually end up getting a resident doctor with NOT much experience with chronic health issues. Hope you feel better soon!
Sorry they weren't more helpful Kate. :( I don't know why the ER finds it acceptable to send people home in pain just because they don't appear to be dying.:voodoo:

I hope you feel better very soon. ((((((Hugs))))))))
Sorry to hear that they didnt do you alot of good, and you're right, I think they do just conspire to take your money sometimes!

I can only hope there really is no serious problem underlying. I know gas pains and biopsy pain can be pretty bad. Are you able to get some Ensure Plus to get some nutrients in you? And how are you with fluids?
Thanks < 3

I really hope they aren't making a mistake. The first flare I had I was in the hospital for 5 days. They gave me lipids, pentasa, a final CT scan, and steroids then sent me on my way "perfectly fine." A week later I had a follow up CT which showed an abscess, a fistula, a bad stricture, and was scheduled for a re section immediately.

I ate on Monday but still haven't had a bowel movement... so I'm not sure I want to eat anything because that's unusual, didn't eat anything yesterday. I'm drinking tea and it's ok. I'll def go pick up some Odwalla smoothies or something like Ensure.

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