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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. 1

    Medical Cannabis

    You should try getting a tree perculators on a bong. Filters to the purest smoke. But pot is not worse for you than ciggarettes if you roll a nice dubee with a homemade filter or use a vaporizer and or a perculated bong
  2. 1

    I fear it's affecting my marriage!

    That sucks you have cancer. My father fought off cancer twice and my grandmother beat breast cancer. Your husband should be very understanding. If i were a girl and I were you I would make sure hes completley supporting you first and if he shows lack of care talk to him about this and/or have a...
  3. 1

    Medical Cannabis

    your wrong.
  4. 1

    Simple Story That Gets Ya funky

    :poo:whats up...not tryn to write a whole bunch cause Im watching tv....I was diagnosed last april and im not sure what type i have but it is a mild to moderate imflamation level (as of now). I am 16 and im in high school, also one of the top football players in my school so i must keep in top...