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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. P

    I am SO frustrated.

    Sounds like you need a small bowel series- its likely confined to the small intestine, which is rare. My SO has stricturing small bowel CD and we have been told his type accounts for only about 10-15% of all CD cases. His recent surgery showed the first 12 and last 4 1/2 feet of his small...
  2. P

    Surgery Recovery - why so much conflicting info?

    I'd have to agree- its conflicting because everyone is so different. My SO just had major surgery on dec 3rd ( details in my post titled "advice- small bowel CD surgery" in this section) and he is doing great! His surgery was almost 7 hours long- so he was in the hospital longer than we had...
  3. P

    Alterntives to operations

    As far as passing it on- we worry about that a lot- we have a 7 yr old son. CD is RAMPANT in his fathers family- his twin nieces, and a whole bunch of cousins also have it. However- we have been told our son's chances are still only around 10%- just slightly elevated from the rest of the...
  4. P

    Alterntives to operations

    Hi Nicola, Unfortunately- nothing short of surgery will correct a stricture or even help much in any way. My SO is currently recovering from surgery- an operation he should have had a long time ago. Details of his surgery are posted in my thread in the Treatment section so I won't repeat it...
  5. P

    Advice please- small bowel CD surgery

    hello braveheart... Did you have 8 individual strictures or did your strictureplasties cover more than one per? Wow- 1994 and okay till now? That sounds like a good run. Have you been on any medication?
  6. P

    Pain medication and addiction in Crohn's Disease

    Dilaudid is the only thing that seems to work for my SO as well. He just had surgery and had his PCA button for 8 days..sure enough he went into massive withdrawal when they switched him from IV to oral the day prior to his release. He is doing okay now- but pretty much needs to take it every...
  7. P

    Advice please- small bowel CD surgery

    thanks so much for your input Alice. He came home two days ago and so far so good!! Our son has done okay so far, with lots of reminders from us. He is feeling pretty good- amazing actually all things considered. He actually ate a slice of pizza a couple hours ago and seems to have no ill...
  8. P

    Advice please- small bowel CD surgery

    Dekar- yes he has been moving around a lot actually. It hurts but he says getting a little better each day and he still has his button for pain meds. Finally some gas today!!! Yay!..funny to become so excited over the small things in life, lol... Clear liquids till tomorrow, then hopefully...
  9. P

    Decision: Surgery, Remicade or 6MP?

    Hi Kelly, My SO has stricturing CD and we have learned nothing will fix a stricture except surgery. He just had surgery (he turned out to have 20 strictures- details on my other thread) at NY Presbyterian/Cornell and was fully covered by insurance. His surgeon is a Chief of Surgery there and...
  10. P

    Advice please- small bowel CD surgery

    thanks Nyx..we are really worried about our son, he has ADHD and tends to forget things we tell him. Of course he would never mean to hurt him but with all that extensive work done in there, it's scary. New update- they started clear fluids last night and into today as they were hearing bowel...
  11. P

    I really need Advice - To Cut or Not To Cut?

    I think you are doing the right SO just had surgery last week after years of avoiding it against medical judgement (and years of avoiding diagnosis before that) and it turned out to be very extensive. (details in my other thread in the Treatment section). I believe if he had done...
  12. P

    Advice please- small bowel CD surgery

    Hello, I am newly registered to this forum. My SO (we have a 7 yr old son) has had CD for over 20 years, formally diagnosed 4 yrs ago. He has stricturing CD confined to the small intestine. Surgery was strongly recommended 2 yrs ago but he refused. Long story short- around october he got so...