I'd have to agree- its conflicting because everyone is so different. My SO just had major surgery on dec 3rd ( details in my post titled "advice- small bowel CD surgery" in this section) and he is doing great! His surgery was almost 7 hours long- so he was in the hospital longer than we had anticipated but since he's been home, things have improved quickly. In his case, the operations were confined to the small intestine. He is likely to head back to his office later this week and has been trying to help me catch up with household stuff to get ready for Christmas, cleaning etc., driving, and just doing great overall. Luckily- he had no complications beyond it taking a long time for his bowel to "wake up" post surgery. His incision (about 6 inches belly button down) appears to be healing well- although the steri-strips are still in place (3 altogether- 2 from the lapro entries, and then the big one for the open incision). 10 day post discharge follow up visit with his surgeon is tomorrow, I'd be shocked if any problems turned up. Again- he appears to have been lucky to have no complications and I credit much of that to the surgeon himself. Also- he really tried to get moving quickly after surgery-even when it hurt- and throughout the entire time he was in the hospital- that really helped speed things up.