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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Z

    Back to work today!

    Hey many thanks for the replys, sorry its taken me so long to get back on here! My internet has been down for a little while, work have been ok actually. They have set me on early shifts rather than flex shifts doing 13hours which is good :) @Amy - Im from England, not sure if there is anything...
  2. Z

    Back to work today!

    Morning everyone! Today is my first day back at work and i'm a little nervous! Have been off now for 2months after having a bowel resection! One thing ive noticed since the chrons first started to become noticable was that i'm getting really tired later on in the day. Now since i went off work...
  3. Z

    What is life like after resection?

    I had a bowel resection done on 23rd December 2010 so I'm still recovering from it now. From speaking to different people, some people have quite a large incision and some smallish one. It wasn't the most comfortable after the op but now a few weeks later I'm feeling perfectly fine. I'm able to...
  4. Z

    Emergency Bowel Resection after effects?

    Well i guess ill find out when i go back on the 11th whats the do's and donts. So far as i said ive been eating alot more healthy foods but also ha stuff i would normally and so far so good. hope it continues. Thanks very much for the replys and info. :)
  5. Z

    Emergency Bowel Resection after effects?

    Hey DustyKat thanks for the reply. I was getting a nurse coming to the house to dress the wound, now im back out and about ive got to go to the doctors each morning to get it done. Before the operation it got to the stage where there was quite an amount but this time it wasnt a huge amount like...
  6. Z

    Emergency Bowel Resection after effects?

    Hey guys, been reading this forum for a while but only just registered today! I got diagnosed with Chrons just after Christmas gone, I had been having problems with tenderness in my stomach after eating for a few months and the doctors just kept passing it off. Eventually took really bad...