Emergency Bowel Resection after effects?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 2, 2011
Hey guys, been reading this forum for a while but only just registered today!

I got diagnosed with Chrons just after Christmas gone, I had been having problems with tenderness in my stomach after eating for a few months and the doctors just kept passing it off. Eventually took really bad throwing up constantly and got quite sick in the end.
The hospital thought it was my appendix and of i went in for surgery, when i came round in the hospital ward they said i had a perforated bowel and it was that far gone that they had to remove it there and then and kinda hoover me out.
Surgery went well apparently, had just over a foot of bowels removed as well as my appendix removed as a precaution. Now its a little over a month after the operation and I'm healing slowly, got a scar about 10inches long going up my stomach which split open due to an infection and now requires packing daily.
The surgeon who did the operation said that i would be fine to eat whichever foods i wanted but not straight away, I've been eating healthy foods mainly with the odd treat thrown in there. I had something rather spicy a few nights ago and although I didn't eat much of it when i went to the toilet today i noticed a some blood, this was a little bit of a problem before surgery but I'm wondering if this is caused by the spicy food or whether this can be normal after surgery.
I'm back to the hospital on the 11th to see a gastroenterologist (sp) to speak more thoroughly about diets and what I can and cant eat etc as i don't think this was explained very well by the hospital. Should I keep and eye on this or go straight to hospital/doctors?
Getting quite worried that I've been stupid and naive in having something spicy which could do some serious damage as so close after such a big operation.....

Many thanks for any replys :)
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Hi zegermens and :welcome:

I don't imagine the food a few nights ago would relate to the blood now. Some blood a within a few days post op would be normal but not a month out. Is it like before the operation or different in appearance and amount? It is something I wouldn't leave until 11th so if you feel concerned/worried about it I would go to the hospital or doctor. If it is only a one off small amount then is it possible to ring and speak to the gastroenterologist today?

My daughter was similar to you, undiagnosed for 18 months and getting progressively worse over that time and ending up with emergency surgery for a perforated bowel. She ended up with about twice the amount of bowel removed that you did. Diet has not been an issue for her, as such post op, but over time she has certainly found a number of foods that don't agree with her and over the past 4 years has progressed to a vegan diet, that is just her experience though and she does have other issues.

Who is dressing your wound?

Dusty. :)
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Hey DustyKat thanks for the reply.

I was getting a nurse coming to the house to dress the wound, now im back out and about ive got to go to the doctors each morning to get it done.
Before the operation it got to the stage where there was quite an amount but this time it wasnt a huge amount like before but just shocked me. I was thinking keep an eye on it for a day or two then seek further help just so i can see if its a one off or whether it gets any worse.

good to hear that your daughter has got through her operation fine and that she's doing well. Im only 23 year old so the majority of friends i can speak to about this have no idea about what chrons actually is so cant really speak to them either.
Sorry for the late reply, time difference!

Ah, that's why asked about the wound. Since you are at the surgery each day see if you can speak to the doctor there about it. Even if it turns out to be a one off sometimes it's reassuring to know what others think about it.

You certainly aren't alone with the lack of knowledge and understanding from the many of the people around you, just go to the vent away forum! :eek: That's what's great about being here, no lack of people that know exactly what you are going through and how you feel. I hope you stay around 'cause there really is loads of info and support here. Good luck!

Dusty. :)
after i had my surgury, i changed my whole diet and now on low residue diet. requires lots of discipline to eat the same bland things every day, but thats what the gastro told me and so far so good. the one time a had a slice of piazza, very bad d, and the few times i had a bagel, had second partial blockage, so i really eat carefully. good luck
Well i guess ill find out when i go back on the 11th whats the do's and donts. So far as i said ive been eating alot more healthy foods but also ha stuff i would normally and so far so good. hope it continues. Thanks very much for the replys and info. :)

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